Chapter 3

191 13 3

A New Generation

The days had passed slowly, the training dragging on and the dancing Adhara was made to do would tire her feet, but the girl looked forward to the nights that passed too quickly

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The days had passed slowly, the training dragging on and the dancing Adhara was made to do would tire her feet, but the girl looked forward to the nights that passed too quickly. Feyd Rautha met her in the same place, at the same hour without fail but she slowly began to enjoy his company and vice versa. The boy had found his first friend in life and he doubted he would make many more in his life. The bruises his mother gave him didn't stop appearing but the pain they brought him lessened as each evening came and passed. The two young souls that hadn't yet lived, but were already fighting their own battles, found solace in each other.

It was the night before Adhara had to fight to prove her worth and it wasn't something she was looking forward to; all of the first born children from the Great Houses were older than herself and the majority of them were brutish boys that thrived off of violence. Adhara knew this fight would be a challenge and would give her scars that may not ever fade, but she was determined to made her father proud. The children were sat closer than ever before, legs and shoulders touching, finding comfort in the warmth they provided. The boy had a new shade of purple decorating his collarbone but he couldn't feel the dull ache seeping from it, only the brushing of Adhara's thumb over the back of his hand.

"Why doesn't my mother love me?"

A tear drop hit their woven hands. 

"She's a fool not to"

Adhara let go of Feyd Rautha's hands, leaving them to turn cold without her heat, but she reached up to wipe the other tear from his cheek that was threatening to fall. His glistening eyes met her own. The blue of the sky mixed into that of the deep waters of the pools, creating a whirlpool of sadness and sympathy. The connection was broken when the boy looked down guiltily.

"It makes me want to hurt her back...does that make me a monster?"

"I don't think you're a monster for wanting to hurt those that hurt you. The ones that hurt you in the first place are the monsters. Also..." 

Adhara placed both of her hands on the boys cheeks, forcing him to look up at her again.

"...I trust that you won't become a monster."

The smile she received in return was worth every star in the universe. It didn't show his blackened teeth but two small dimples appeared on both of his cheeks that created a fuzzy feeling in Adhara's stomach.  That feeling spread into every bone in her body , it was new and strange yet intoxicating and not entirely unwanted. If this was the feeling was produced around the boy then she didn't want to leave his side. 

"Are you prepared for your fight tomorrow?"

Was she? Despite all the training she had endured and her determination to win the fight, Adhara had never more more nervous about something and she couldn't tell which was the reason: the knowledge that once she beat her opponent, she would be able to start the next step of her training to be her sister's future war master, or whether it was the possibility of proving herself to her father and seeing a proud smile on his face for the first time in years. Imagining the way his face would light up and the spectators cheer for her, Adhara began to glow at the prospect.

"I believe so"

"I know you can win it, whoever you fight"

"And how do you know that?"

The girl gently knocked her shoulder against Feyd Rautha's as they both chuckled under their breath. His eyes cast gently to her once more.

"Because you're not only a fighter but a survivor. You are so clever that you can predict your opponents next move and counter it the moment they move to strike. Even if your opponent is bigger than you, you either use that to your advantage or you use your speed, and the way you move is so graceful..."

Feyd carried on talking but Adhara had zoned out, absorbing every word he said but not realising anyone payed that much attention to her. The way he was speaking about her was like the way poets spoke about prophets, the way the moons spoke about their suns. Before Feyd could continue, she interrupted him.

"How do you know ?"

The guilty look returned in his eyes once more and he wouldn't give an answer.

"Feyd. How do you know how I fight?"

"I didn't want to do it Addy, she forced me to"

Adhara found her feet and started backing away in betrayal. Her training quarters were supposed to be private so none could cheat in the upcoming fight. Tears welled in both the children's eyes, one from pain and the other from guilt.

"Who forced you?"

"Mother wanted me to spy so that Glossu could have an advantage over you but I...I...I never told them anything Addy I promise"

How could she respond to that? Feyd had broken a law for his family but Adhara could understand why. To prove to his mother that he was worthy of love, but the stabbing pain in her heart didn't allow many thoughts to corrupt her mind.

"I'll see you tomorrow"

Her footsteps echoed around the water gardens and slowly dissipated, but a soft sobbing noise filled the silence.

Her footsteps echoed around the water gardens and slowly dissipated, but a soft sobbing noise filled the silence

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There we go!!! Next chapter will be the fight scene

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 08 ⏰

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