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| the journey was very long but one that seemed to go by smoothly. The ship rocked gently as the hours went by and the young serving girls stared out in amazement at the deep deep seas, ones that held such creatures that had not even been discovered yet. They had wished to share this moment with their lady but yet she refused to leave the chambers and asked to not be disturbed unless it was an important matter. She didn't have anything to look forward to, if she even tried to stare out towards the sea and appreciate the beauty of it — she would probably spew her guts.

This smooth sailing to kings landing could have possibly been a sign from the gods that myanna was destined to arrive safely for the king — to fulfill his appetite and desire for a female companion. Myanna shuddered at the possibility of this.

Kings landing was underwhelming for the young girl - it appeared to be one that simply had buildings squeezed and fitted to one another. The colours were so dull and saddening that it made her question if people genuinely were pleased on being on this piece of land. Furthermore, there stood a large building towering over them, which she assumed was where his grace resided. It seemed quite symbolic that his presence was solely to protecting the people below him. "it is quite dull" myanna acknowledged to her ladies as they all pressed themselves against the left side of the ship in hopes of catching a clearer site of the land.

"it does appear so" the rest of them nodded.


Once the ship reached the port, there was many cheers from the girls for arriving safely — to which myanna dreaded hearing. The young girl turned from where they stood to see three carriages standing awaiting for someone's arrival, most likely hers. "it is your time now" Dy whispered beside her as they helped her step off the mighty ship. It may have been the dark rich yellow jewellery she wore or simply her striking resemblance to the loved and admired Lady Alysanna Starkley — but several, of what appeared to be, knighted and experienced men began walking towards her. The green symbolism on their armour made her realise they had been sent by their king to accompany her.

"lady starkley?" one of them spoke up before bowing his head

"yes?" she placed her hands in front of her and stared at each of the men — watching their professionalism. "we have been ordered by his grace, to accompany you to his court. If you please come with us" the man continued and indicated behind him to the carriages.

Myanna would be in a seperate carriage compared to the rest of her serving ladies and her possessions. The man that had spoken to her previously would sit across from her to protect her from any rebels or any crazed man trying to enter. It couldn't be denied he was a handsome man, one she would glance at whilst he stared out of the clear glass to the outside world. "how long have you been serving your king sir?" she spoke up before looking up at him awaiting his response.

"from the very day he was crowned my lady" he stared back and nodded which surprised her. It was amazing that he stayed through the many hardships his young king had faced, she knew he probably fought against the kings half sister too. Myanna simply nodded back and after that she kept to herself and remained quiet for the rest of their travels which took an hour due to the difficulties of the roads.


"we have arrived" the man stated as he stood to open the doors finally allowing fresh air to enter the stuffy carriage — myanna took in a deep breath and wished to cry at the feeling. It felt like freedom, it could be her potential last moments of it — a feeling that she wished she could have savoured more and more. Allowing the man to take her hand, she slowly dropped to the dusty floors as she stared up at the castle in front of her. A rich building, one with fine history embedded to each stone and pattern.

Grabbing onto her dress, myanna slowly began to walk through the entrance— wishing to be independent in this process to which the man had to rush beside her to keep up. "His grace throughout the day is occupied with his duties — him and his family shall be waiting for you at the grand feast tonight — for now a chamber has been prepared for your arrival"

Myanna merely nodded whilst watching the many carriages, stallions and stable boys. This was all so different from her home, one that always seemed to care for the importance of familiarity and respect for one another. But judging by the torn clothing and dirty looks from these young boys she could see she had entered a different realm — one of immense cruelty.

"very well" she whispered.


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