Chapter 2:

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Charlie Campbell was about to lead the family through the gates until Boone grabbed his arm. "There's something you should now, my daughter and I are infected".

Charlie nodded with an unconcerned look. "I know, I saw the bite marks on your arms".

"What about the sniffer dogs?". Boone asked worriedly.

"They don't sniff out the virus, they detect fear, if you get jumpy or nervous because your afraid you'll get caught, then they attack". Charlie explained.

"So It's a scare tactic basically". Cedar mumbled, gripping her father's hand tightly.

"The communities are trying to weed out as many infected people as possible, that way they don't have to deal with going through supplies as quick". Charlie went on with a guilty look.

"You don't seem very pleased with such tactics". Boone observed softly.

"Cause I'm not". Charlie scoffed. "Killing people off simply because the supplies are low is completely inhumane".

The group finally arrived arrived at the border gate where they were met by another uniformed man with curly black hair.

"Charlie, we aren't allowed to let anyone else in". The curly haired man scolded with a glare.

"And your not allowed to smoke, yet here we are. Benji we have two pods left, the adults can take one and the kids can take the other". Charlie negotiated.

The man called Benji sighed but nodded and opened the gate, allowing them access into the country.

"What did you mean by pods?". Luca asked as they entered an old elementary school and sat down in cafeteria.

"The living areas are all built underground, people can actually sleep peacefully without fear". Charlie replied. "You guys hungry?".

"Starving". Cedar piped up with a laugh as her stomach chose that moment to grumble loudly.

Charlie nodded and returned a few minutes later with what look like candied pumpkin pieces swimming in a vanilla syrup sauce.

"You guys missed out on breakfast and lunch so this is what we have for leftovers until dinner". Charlie explained.

"You guys seem tightly knit". Miguel observed.

"It's a military sanctuary, so yeah, things are pretty uniform here". Charlie replied. "Breakfast is at five, lunch is at twelve and dinner is at four, miss any of those slots and you'll go hungry until the next available time".

Cedar gulped at this but kept shoving the food into her mouth at a rapid pace, she hadn't had a proper meal in years so the cold food was like paradise.

"Cedar Dustin Baker, mind your manners please". Boone scolded firmly.

"It's alright, I can always smuggle something else in later for the kids". Charlie grinned.

Tony narrowed his eyes. "But you said -".

Charlie put up a hand to silence him. "Let's just say I've been known to bend some rules".

"Which is why your on probation again". Benji Whittaker cut in with a glare at Cedar's group. "A word of warning, step out of line once and you'll be shot on sight".

"He's pleasant". Luca muttered with a roll of his eyes.

Charlie watched his comrade's retreating form. "Yeah, why don't I show the kids around a bit before curfew is up?".

Boone pulled his eye away from it had been staring at a spot in the corner and nodded his permission. "I need to talk with Miguel and Tony anyways".

Cedar bid her father and uncle's goodbye before getting up and racing after Charlie and Luca.

Charlie led them Cedar and Luca down a flight of steps that spread out into two hallways, they took the one to the left and came across a hidden door.

Charlie put his key card into a slot and the door slid open to reveal a small room with two beds on either side. "This is where you two will be sleeping".

"How did you guys get everything up and running, didn't all the grids go down?". Cedar asked.

"The grids may be down but the solar panels out front create enough energy to keep the lights on". Charlie explained as they continued walking.

"Who's in charge then? I assume someone has to be bossing us all around". Cedar joked.

"Benji is, he's got the most legal experience so the citizens nominated him". Charlie explained unhappily.

Cedar groaned. " I can't believe I have to listen to Mr.Hard - Ass every day now".

"You might wanna refrain from saying stuff like that in front of him". Charlie advised.

Luca scoffed. "What's he gonna do? hang us?".

"No, but he will shoot you for treason". Charlie corrected bluntly.

Cedar and Luca shared a grimace as Charlie showed them back to their sleeping quarters. "I'll leave you both to settle in".

Cedar sighed and sat crossed - legged on the bed against the left side of the room. "I hope coming here was a good choice".

Luca sat next to his adoptive sister. "I have an idea".

The twenty year old rolled her eyes playfully. "Which is?".

"After dinner curfew starts at six - thirty and this place is pretty big -". Luca trailed off with a sneaky grin.

"Your proposing we sneak out and explore the rest of this place?". Cedar finished bluntly.

"That is exactly what I'm proposing". Luca exclaimed proudly.

Cedar bit her lip in thought. "Fine, but we should at least thirty minutes after curfew starts to be sure".

Luca nodded in agreement before laying back in his bed, wanting to get some decent shut eye before his and Cedar's after dinner sneak out.

Cedar on the other hand stayed wide awake, still wondering if they were truly safe here.

Soon enough Charlie returned to collect the two young adults for dinner, On the menu was mashed turnips, golden beets and a single cup of water for each of them.

After a quick catch up with Boone, Miguel and Tony, Cedar and Luca excused themselves from dinner early and headed back to their quarters to pack up some supplies.

Curfew came a while later with the shrill blare of an alarm sounding throughout the underground tunnels.

"Charlie said they lock the doors for curfew, how do we get out?". Cedar brought up worriedly.

"I stuck a pen in the door slot so it won't lock up". Luca replied as they both waited for the thirty minutes to pass.

Cedar huffed in amusement, Luca was definitely hell bent on going through with sneaking out.

The thirty minutes eventually ticked by as the duo carefully went out into the hallway. "Let's do this!".

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