Chapter seven: Memories

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When I arrived home, I had the worst mood. It had been too much today.

All I wanted to do was crawl in my bed and curl up.

I unlocked the door and was immediately greeted by strong arms that pulled me against his hard chest.


"Where in Merlin's name have you been, Y/N? I have been worried sick! I was just about to leave for the Ministry."

"I'm sorry, I lost track of time."

Henry peeled himself off me. Holding me on arm's length. His eyes searching my face as to discover the truth behind me words.

"Lost track of time? Why does that sound like the worst excuse ever?"

I bit my tongue. Should I tell him what really happened? Sebastian's warning was still fresh in my mind, but that wasn't the thing that held me back.

If I told Henry what really went down, he would probably want me to back out on my assignment. Merlin, I would even bet that he would almost lock me in just to keep me safe.

So I just sticked with my story. "Uhg, Sebastian was being a nuinance again, we had a argument about how to approach the assignment and the time just flew over my head."

"Hm, I can't wait to meet this guy someday so that I can kick his ass. Who in his right mind would deny an idea from my smart and intelligent girl?"

I blushed from his compliment. A smile setting on my face.

"I'm glad to be home now. How was your day?" I asked as I put down my cloak and bag in the corner and sat down at the dinner table.

"Hm, it started out very boring but something happened in the Aurors office today, I was actually curious if you know more about it?" Henry said leaning in over the table.

I raised my brows. "Word travels quickly. I just heard about it myself when I came back from the assignment." I lied.

"Working at the Daily Prophet comes with perks." Henry said raising his shoulders.

"But the abduction of the three Aurors had nothing to do with you being late then?" He pressed.

"No, I just told you the reason I was late." I said crossing my arms.

"Did you know them? The people that are taken?" Henry asked as he went to the kitchen to grab the kettle of stew.

"I heard of them, but I never got to know them personally. Say, what's with the interrogation?"

"I'm sorry, love. It's just part of being a journalist." Henry chuckled.

"Can you leave your journalist side at work for now? I already had a long day."

Henry smiled. "Ofcourse. Sometimes I get carried away with my passion. I will learn more about the whole incident tomorrow."

We ate in silence. My head molding over the things that were said. Wasn't it weird that Henry already knew about the missing Aurors? Even though he works at the Daily Prophet, the news only could have gone out after Sebastian and I returned to the Ministry.

I was wrecking my brain over this information when Henry cleared his throat.

"You look troubled my love. Should I prepair you a bath after dinner?"

I scrunched my brows. Normally I wouldn't have rejected the offer, but I wanted to break the pattern. I've been having these weird dreams all the time and I wake up everyday more tired then the day before. Maybe it has something to do with the herbs or scents he uses.

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