𖦹1- the dream that started it all𖦹

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It was the dream that started it all for Castiel.

It started occasionally. A once in a blue moon night terror that he never thought about again.

But then it became every 6 months. Then, it was every month. He would wake up in a cold sweat, feeling nauseous and dizzy. he never said a word to Sam and Dean. He just figured that they would tell him to 'man up.' especially Dean. I mean, he had seen far worse things on hunts, right? So why let a silly night terror bother him?

It didn't control his life at first, oh no. he tried for a very very long time to suppress this nightmare. But after a while, it was all that he could think about. It distracted him while he hunted with Sam and Dean, and it changed how he was around them.

He was not exactly stoic, more like...delicate, unpredictable and slightly mysterious. Not antisocial by any means though.

This dream...it was where he was in the psych ward again, except, he did not take Sam's hallucinations. Something else was wrong with him. Something bad. Awful. Dark. Maybe even twisted. In the dream, all that he remembered from it was a sharp pain in his arms as if he had been cut. He would look down and see his arms drenched in blood. He would look up again and see a red spiral on the wall, painted with his blood. A look of terror would cross his face as a creepy looking eye would appear in the center of the spiral. And then, he would feel an intense amount of pain in his back before waking up. Same exact dream. Every single time.

He became seriously infatuated with these dreams. Little did he know what was to come...these dreams were a warning for the future.

He started ever so slowly, painfully slowly losing it. He tried to hide it at first, but Sam and Dean noticed his strange behavior. The angel had always been strange, but not like this. It was gradual, moments of confusion (did I say Samandriel, sorry...I meant Sam.) Forgetfulness. ('wait...where is this hunt again?' 'Cas we have told you 3 times now...are you good?') Paranoia. (I swear that we are being followed.) Anger. (I said leave me alone !!)

Of course, all 3 of them have dealt with apocalypses, but Castiel was extremely adamant that 1 was happening at that moment, even though things were calm. A few weeks later, he switched it up and just kept on saying that Sam and Dean could not leave the bunker for any reason. This became an issue whenever they were trying to go on a hunt.

"Tell me again, Cas why we can't leave?" Dean asked, rolling his eyes.

"You will thank me later, Dean. I cannot protect you out there. You must stay here. Nothing or no one can." Castiel said, he spoken differently now, like he did whenever he had the leviathans inside him. It scared Sam a bit.

"Um...I appreciate the concern, but we will be fine, Cas." Sam said kindly, sneaking past him to go to the door.

But Cas was quicker, he always was whenever he wanted to be. "No." He said firmly, staring at them with those piercing blue eyes. Piercing as ever, even though something about them seemed so...empty.

"Ok, Cas you are pissing me off now." Dean said roughly, ready to fight the angel if he had to.

"Dean..." Sam warned.

"No, Sam!! What the fuck is his problem, huh?" He looked at Cas harshly. "yeah...the fuck is your problem?" He went up in his personnel space. Cas finally backed down a bit, but he still was not going to let them leave.

"I'm sorry, but I must do this." Before Sam or Dean could ask what, Cas put 2 fingers up to their foreheads and put them to sleep. He watched them fall as their bodies hit the floor.

"You will never leave this bunker." He whispered, a sick smile spreading across his face.

A few hours later, the 2 woken up. They were getting scared and concerned now. They found Cas on a...computer? Sense when did the angel ever use that thing? Turns out, he became obsessed with research. His once calm and collected demeanor was now replaced with a jittery energy and unfortunately, a constant need for control.

"Ok, Cas, you are freaking us out. are you trying to be God again or something?" Sam asked.

Cas laughed "or something!!"

neither of them seen what was so funny about this.

"How can I make you understand? 1 day you will...you will..."

Dean gulped, his anger getting swallowed too, now replaced with fear.

Sam was the 1 who was mostly concerned, though. He stood up. "Come on, Cas...this is not you. Maybe you are under a spell, or a curse. We can get you help..."

"No, Sam. Tsk tsk tsk. I do not need help. I need you guys to listen to me. I can keep you safe, I promise. Just...listen."

"I am just...doing what is necessary to save the world." He explained simply.

"And what exactly is so great that you are doing that is 'saving the world?''' Dean asked.

"Well, there is an apocalypse coming so you cannot leave the bunker and before you say 'we have dealt with apocalypses before', this is 1 like no other. I am the only 1 who can protect you." It sounded sincere, but something was not right with the angel...this was going too far...no one else that they knew had even slightly mentioned an apocalypse.

Suddenly, it hit Sam.

"Cas...I think that you are having an actual psychotic break. Something must have happened to you...you are not right in the head at all." Dean looked at Sam in a bit of surprise of how upfront he was being.

Castiel just started at him. With those damn blue eyes. Who knew what those blue eyes were really seeing? Were they even seeing Sam and Dean? Were they seeing Lucifer? Or someone else? Who knew...they were very very very concerned for their friend.

The Red Spiral𖦹حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن