The One With The Sewers and Annette

Start from the beginning

Claire nodded and followed Harry to a ledge. The jump looked a little high, especially for how short Harry was. But he just jumped over the ledge and floated to the ground like he was under water. Claire shrugged to herself and jumped after him, ready to roll on landing so she wouldn't destroy her ankles. When she was falling it felt like she hit a pillow and slowly sank into it until her feet touched the ground.

"Thanks." Claire looked up to thank Harry but he ran over to a window nearby.


Sure enough when Claire followed him she saw the little girl standing in a garbage pit that the window overlooked. In front of her was a stand with a security camera and a loud speaker was attached to the wall. Annette's voice came over the loudspeaker.

"Sherry, I told you, I cannot leave here until my work is done."

"That's what you always say." Sherry protested.

"Why didn't you stay in the house? It was safe there." Annette sounded annoyed. Like she was dealing with a misbehaving pet, not her daughter in the middle of an apocalypse.

"I was scared. Those things were everywhere and-"

Annette cut Sherry off.

"You should've called the police! That's what we taught you!"

"I did," Sherry was starting to sound desperate, "but nobody came and you didn't answer your phone so-"

Annette cut her off again.

"Sherry, I don't have time for this!"

"Hell kind of mom is she?" Claire muttered.

"I- I-" Sherry was breathing heavier and she fainted. Falling to the dirty floor of the garbage pit.

"NO!" Harry yelled. The glass windows burst into showers of glass and he leapt through the window. He flew straight to Sherry and levitated her off the ground.

"Go open the way out! I'll look after her!" Harry yelled up to Claire.

"I'll be as fast as I can, just hold on!" Claire yelled back and left the window.

The loud speaker turned back on.

"Harry, who else is there!? What are you doing here!?" Annette's voice rang out.

"The other person who's here is someone who actually gives a fuck about us!" Harry yelled at her. He was so agitated he didn't notice the garbage around him and Sherry floating and their hair and clothes were whipping like they were in a storm. The dark veins on his body grew darker and started showing on his face while his already reddish eyes became even redder.

"I thought you were different! I thought you cared, even if it was for an experiment! I let you test on me and trusted you with Sherry! You bitch!"

The structure with the camera collapsed inwards and the parts broke themselves until it was nothing but scrap metal and wires. The veins left his face and his eyes lightened but the things around them didn't stop floating. Harry's anger faded to sadness and he just stood there, hugging Sherry and crying for a long time. Even after he ran out of tears he just stood there hugging her. Eventually he heard the machine in the door turn on and mutated roars. The roars and gunshots moved further away before there was a huge crash and everything went quiet.

"Please let that be the sound of Claire winning." Harry muttered.

After a few minutes of staring at the big doors they opened to reveal Claire. She ran in and took Sherry into her arms.

"The lab with the thing that can cure her is in NEST." Harry told her. "We need to get to the cable car."

"I know the way." Claire answered and the two of them took off jogging through the sewers to the platform.

When they got to the door of the cable car Harry stopped.

"What are you waiting for!?" Claire called from inside the car.

"I don't want to go back to the NEST." Harry said.

Claire walked back to the door and put her hands on Harry's shoulders.

"Okay, please come with us so you can take the cable car back up to meet Leon or escape if you don't see him."

"Okay." Harry said, he took a deep breath and stepped into the car.

The ride was short. Harry paced around the back of the car while Claire draped her jacket around Sherry. When it arrived Claire gave Harry a t shaped crank and a chess piece fuse with instructions to give them to Leon so he could navigate the sewers and left with Sherry in her arms. Harry pulled the lever to bring the cable car back up and continued his pacing.

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