The One With The Sewers and Annette

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Harry's ears rang as he woke up with a headache for the second time. This time he wasn't alone though, Dr. Annette shone a light in his eyes and was speaking. He batted her hand away and rolled over.

"I'm fine Dr. Anette." He said as he sat up.

"Good." She stood up and walked over to Claire. "I was worried injury might destabilize the T-virus and your abilities."

Annette started to examine Claire, who was also waking up. Satisfied with Claire's condition she started examining the crashed elevator and questioning Harry.

"No urges to start consuming meat?" She asked.

"No Dr. Annette." Harry answered.

"Who are you?" Claire tried asking Annette but Annette ignored her.

"Did you see what way William went?" Annette asked Harry.

"No." Harry answered.

"What is going on here?" Claire asked but was ignored again.

Annette started muttering to herself and walking around the room.

"Hey, what's going on? And who is William?" Claire asked.

"Don't bother." Harry said. "She's not going to listen. When she's like this nothing matters aside from what she's studying."

"How do you know her?" Claire asked.

"She's the one who looked after me at the lab. Well the main one anyways." Harry said.

Annette snapped her notebook closed and walked towards a door in the wall. Clair followed her.

"Hey! What's going on here? Is Sherry okay?" Clair asked again.

"My daughter is none of your concern!" Annette snapped back and shut the door in Claire's face and the lock clicked.

"She's Sherry's mother?" Claire muttered in confusion. Harry got up from the floor and leaned against a wall.

"Surprised?" Harry said, his voice had taken on a nasty drawl and her was sneering at the closed door.

"I used to think she was alright but she never gave a shit about Sherry. The only reason she gave me the time of day was her experiments, she never actually cared." Harry sighed and the anger left his face. "Still, care with ulterior motives is still care. That's more than I ever got from my relatives."

Claire really didn't like the implications of that sentence but she focused on something else.

"Are you saying you were experimented on?" Claire asked, wary of the answer.

"Oh yes." Harry answered. "I can tell you about it along the way, come on."

Harry led Claire through some scaffolding to a catwalk above a cable car.

"Why is there a cable car in the sewers?" Claire muttered.

"It goes to the NEST, Umbrella's main lab under Raccoon City." Harry answered without looking back. He climbed up the ladder at the end of the catwalk and they came to a door with the distinct groaning coming from behind it. Claire raised her gun but Harry just pushed the door open and used his abilities to shove all the zombies in a corner.

"We don't have time for them," Harry said nonchalantly, "Dr. Annette's lab is in the NEST and that's probably where she sent Sherry."

"Did you just use telekinesis? How did you do that?" Claire asked and Harry sighed.

"I've always had strange abilities but before the experiments they weren't as strong. I turned a mean teacher's wig blue and jumped from the ground to a roof when trying to hide from my cousin's gang." Harry said. "I can explain more while we look for Sherry."

M-001 (Resident Evil x Harry Potter)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum