The End

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You felt like a little kid sneaking around your playground when you and Tommy scuttled into work despite no one being there yet
Luda gave you both an earful about keeping it professional at work and she might be happy about having a daughter but will not be happy to have a lawsuit for indecent exposure in the workplace.

You giggle to yourself at the scandalous thought while you knead the dough below you no longer startled by the sounds of Tommy working on the other side of the area and begin zoning out while you follow the familiar steps of your recipes

You become hyper aware of your blinking and breathing when you realize people are coming in for the day, you try and ignore people very clearly whispering about you, Tommy and Eric- you roll your eyes and shoulders at the same time trying to avoid jumping on your work counter and declaring your love for Tommy like Tom Cruise on Oprah but that'll probably make things worse

You feel a poke on your shoulder and look over to see Tommy's sympathetic gaze as if to say "yeah I don't love it either" you sneak your eyes to the small crowd of people pretending to be shopping but clearly enthralled at the soap opera in the baker station and you decide loudly say "oh thank you for reminding me love bug" and plopping a giant kiss on Tommy's mask just hardly feeling his lips- you ignore the surprised expression on the visible part of his face and simply turned to continue portioning your pastries

Tommy and the mild crowd disperse as you hum happily to yourself, content that word will spread like wildfire and maybe just maybe people will be at peace finally just knowing you two are officially together and will get bored in a few years

Wait a minute YEARS? You caught yourself thinking, last year you could hardly think about your future a day in advance other than what frozen dinner to microwave now it seems so clear your future is a bloody hulking sweet caring man only a few feet away from you

It suddenly seems so clear you start smiling to yourself that you never thought of it before, You're sure by the end of the month you'll be helping Tommy unpack his few belongings into your home and hopefully only need to veto a few of his more interesting bone sculptures/designs he likes to display in his bedroom

A simple church wedding surrounded by his family, you both aren't religious but it'll make Mama happy and that's good for everyone

You're sure in a few years you'll take over the general store and help manage the meat plant with Tommy looking over productions- without speaking it might be more difficult but in a few years you two will figure it

Sooner or later you'll get a bigger house, a few dogs until one day you're both grey and watching the sunset together as you remind him how lucky he is you have terrible taste in men before him

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