𝚃𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚔 3- 𝓕𝓲𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓰𝓲𝓰

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Brianna woke up to the sound of her phone ringing on her night stand "ugh, hello" she said groggily "BEE THE DUNNE BROTHERS GOT A GIG AT A SWEET SIXTEEN AND YOU'RE COMING I'LL BE BY TO PICK YOU UP AT 5:30!" Brianna heard Warren yell through the phone "it's eight in the morning Warren." she said sternly. "Okay I'm sorry beautiful, be ready by five!" was the last thing she hear him say before she hung up and drifted back to sleep.

Brianna was zipping up her white go-go boots when she heard a car horn outside of her house she looked outside of the window to see Warren in the driver's seat of his mother's little blue car.
She ran outside and saw the rest of the boys in the back of the car "why the hell are you in your mother's car? you're fourteen without a license,or a fake one for that matter." the girl asked leaning in the drivers window, "well my dad let's me drive around his truck sometimes so im basically a pro, and the venue is only right in town we'll be fine without getting pulled over get in! " he said with a smile on his face. Brianna looked nervous still standing by the driver's side window "c'mon Bee I saved shotgun for you" the boy said patting his hand on the passenger seat. "Okay." Brianna said sighing as she reluctantly climbed into the car.


Brianna Rojas: I got in the death trap I know I shouldn't have but things just felt safer in 1968 *laughs and looks away from camera*

Graham Dunne: Bee still to this day tells people it was the most scared she had ever been in her life haha

Warren Rojas: it was not as bad as she makes it out to be.

Eddie Roundtree: it was as bad as she makes it out to be.


"Where's Billy, isn't he singing tonight?" Brianna asked, trying to get her self to think about anything but Warren's driving "he's taking the bus. He said he didn't want to get in a car with a fourteen year old behind the wheel." Graham answered plainly "well that makes two of us I should have went with Billy." Brianna said gripping her seat causing everyone to giggle. Brianna was sitting with her eyes closed because she didn't want to look at the road when all of a sudden she felt the car jerk to the side and speed up, her eyes shot open and she realized they were on a different road than before "WHAT THE FUCK WARREN?" She yelled with wide eyes "Sorry guys, had to make a U-turn I took the wrong road." Warren said laughing "oh God... You're gonna kill me." Brianna said turning to her side and gripping the seat.

The group arrived at the venue right on time. Brianna was just grateful she made it out of the car alive, she wanted to kiss the ground. Brianna was holding onto Warren's arm while they walked into the venue, Billy was already there crossing his arms and tapping his foot on the floor. "Where the hell have you guys been we go on in 10 minutes!" Billy said angrily "Warren here took the wrong road." Brianna said laughing as she still held onto his arm, Billy didn't laugh he was just straight faced "okayyy you guys should probably go set up I'll be behind the stage watching." Brianna said awkwardly as she let go of Warren's arm.

Brianna watched the boys preform from the side of the stage, 'Warren looks so happy' she thought to herself and smiled and now that she thought about it they all looked really happy, the truth was she wished she could join the band, she wanted to join the band so bad but she was afraid of what her father would say, she was afraid of the lies he would tell people at the country club to keep them from finding out. Brianna never cared about what the people at the country club thought of her but she knew her father did. She always thought her father was ashamed of her because she over heard the lies that he would tell the people when he hosted county club parties that Brianna was a straight A student, a hard worker, etcetera.


Brianna Rojas: I wasn't his "ideal daughter" and I know he was wishing for a boy, a boy to carry on the family business but since my mom didn't want any more kids a girl would just have to do. He never said it but i know he thought it.


Brianna watched as the band played their asses off, she was cheering the loudest. The band just finished Susie Q when Billy announced that they were gonna play a slow song for the couples, Brianna just laughed as she leaned on the wall and crossed her arms. The band played 'Can't help falling in love' by Elvis. Brianna saw Warren watch her from the corner of her eye when he didn't have parts, as the song played she was grateful for the low lighting behind the stage so that he couldn't see her face turn red. Strangley enough Brianna felt her eyes gravitate towards Warren, she couldn't stop them it was like he had some kind of a magnetic pull on her, it was like he always did.

"Ahh you guys did amazing!!" Brianna yelled as she jumped into Warren's arms, he caught her and she wrapped her legs around his waist "thank you Bee!" he said in a sing songy tone and kissed her forehead. Brianna got off of Warren "all of you, you all did amazing!" she yelled as they walked towards the door of the venue they all thanked her.

"Warren can you drop me off last?" Brianna asked in hopes of getting a little alone time with her best friend, with Billy making the band practice to death since they got this gig they hadn't hung out one on one in around two weeks. "Sure!" Warren said smiling.

Warren had just dropped Chuck off "wanna go to the diner before I take you home and get something to eat?" Warren asked with his eyes on the road "you paying?" Brianna asked the boy "yeah we got paid fifty bucks each for that gig!" Warren exclaimed happily "wow! You'll be rich in no time I'm so happy for you!" Brianna said just as happy as Warren.

Brianna and Warren arrived at the diner they had been going to together since they were old enough to go off on their own and they sat at their usual booth."I can't believe your mom let you borrow her car!" Brianna quietly exclaimed "she didn't!" Warren quietly exclaimed back mirroring Brianna's tone,"oh Warren you didn't." Brianna said narrowing her eyes and dropping her menu," except for the part where I did." Warren said giggling, which instantly made Brianna bust out into a fit of giggles.

Brianna watched as Warren took a bite of his burger. "Warren what's gonna happen when we grow up y'know, I'll be off running the stupid dealership empire, you'll be a famous drummer with no time for lil ol' Brianna when will we have time for our fun diner hangouts?" Brianna said stuffing a pancake in her mouth. Warren looked at her sympathetically "don't say that stuff Bee I'll always have time for you no matter what! Here we'll make a pact! No matter what we're doing every single Saturday night just like this one we're gonna hang out at the diner okay?" he said grinning ear to ear "okay" Brianna said also smiling ear to ear and they shook hands.

"Warren you're never driving me anywhere ever again." Brianna said covering her eyes as Warren drove down the back road to her house "I am a wonderful driver." Warren said in a scoff "no you're not." Brianna said with a stern face "whatever we're here I'll walk you to the door." Warren said getting out and opening Brianna's passenger side door.

"Thanks for taking me home I have a feeling the Dunne Brothers are gonna make it real big!" Brianna said to Warren as they stood on her front porch "thanks Bee,  goodnight love you!" Warren said as he waved "goodnight Warren love you too!" Brianna said as she closed the door

Warren was upset that night while he drove home, upset because it was the same routine all the time he would take her home give her a hug tell her goodnight and gloss over his feelings. Brianna was upset that night too for all the same reasons, because the routine was the same and she wanted more but she genuinely thought Warren only liked her as his friend and that he regretted kissing her that night.


Warren Rojas: and we still go out to eat every Saturday night and up until our kids grew up Camila used to watch them every Saturday night.

Brianna Rojas: Camila is the God mother to my babies, she's a wonderful woman the kind of woman that would give up her Saturday nights to watch my babies, that's why she's my best friend!

Start from the beginning~Warren.ROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora