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The race concluded in a blur of motion and adrenaline, with Langa and Reki crossing the finish line almost simultaneously. Panting and laughing, they collapsed onto the grass beside the skatepark, the setting sun casting long shadows over their figures. The world seemed to stand still, waiting for a confession that had been building since the day they met.Reki turned to Langa, the words he had rehearsed so many times suddenly escaping him. The intensity of the moment, the fear of rejection, weighed heavily on his heart.Langa, noticing Reki's hesitation, nudged him gently. "What's going on, Reki? You've been off today. You can tell me anything, you know that."Taking a deep breath, Reki found the courage that had eluded him all day. "Langa, I... skating with you, being your friend, it's been the best part of my life. But I've realized it's more than that for me. I like you, Langa. More than a friend."The confession hung in the air, a fragile hope that threatened to shatter. Reki braced himself for any response, the fear of losing everything they had built looming large in his mind.

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