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"Hi Hermione!" A boy with Raven hair called, And The ginger haired one, maybe Harry and Ron are there names?

"Hey, Harry, This is Rave–"

"Raven Malfoy?" Ron interrupts, eating aggressively. "Quiet, Anyways, Hope you guys get along."

Raven smiles before it fade away, sitting on the chair. "You guys are Harry and Ron right?"

Harry nods, taking a sip of his pumpkin Juice. "Yeah, i'm Harry, Harry Potter."

Raven smiles abit, before eating, Haery just had this feeling he'd known Raven before but it doesn't step right, Hermione reads her Book.



"So, Your telling me–" Raven began, abit mad, "you three went on a mission to save the Stone thingy and didn't even told me?!"

Harry rubs the back of his neck and Ron scratches his Nose, Hermione sighs. "Sorry, Rave.." Hermione apologizes, Harry stayed quiet but turned flushed..


Raven sighs. "Whatever, Anyways, tomorrow is time for us to go home!"

Hermione and Ron smiles widely, but Harry frowns, he did not want to go back to the Dudleys...

"Oh, Great, Yay.." Harry sarcastically said, as Hermione pouts. "Its alright, Harry." Ron reassures him with a smile.

"Anyways..I gotta go to Draco, he's probably looking for me.." Raven smiles, Before leaving, finding Draco.

Well..Kinda felt bad for Raven...

The three got to spend time more...than her...


"Rave!!" Draco bellowed as Raven went to him, With a wide smile. "You ready?"

"Yup!" Raven said, Draco grins as they grab their Trunks, going outside, waiting for their Pick-up ride.

Narcissa came, from a black Carriage, with a smile. "Now you two, Come!"

"C'mon!" Racen went inside, The Carriage was colored black and had a badge thingy meaning for the Malfoys.

Draco sat down, On the opposite side of Narcissa and Raven. "How was your year?"

Raven closed her books, with a smile. "Wonderful."

Draco scowls, ofcourse, "good i guess.."

Narcissa smiles softly, But it then sees resemblance of her Famiy, The Black, Andromeda Tonks...Bellatrix...Sirius..

And Importantly..her best friend..Raven's Late Mother, Alice..

If Raven finds out..she'll be mad...


Narcissa blinks, out of her trance, She smiles reassuringly. "Yes?"

Raven gulps, nervously as Draco reads his book, but was listening carefully. "You know the Boy-who-lived right?"

Narcissa looks at her, nervously as Draco scowls secretly, He huffs LOUDLY

"Ofcourse, Dear, Why?"

Raven gulps too nervously, She sighs before looking out the window. "Nevermind..."

Ms. Black or Mrs. Potter? ^^ H.J.PWhere stories live. Discover now