Kroust : those that see the truth

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 We always saw what others couldn't. We always we're treated like weirdo who feared something that wasn't there. Our large faceted eyes let us see at almost 360° and combined with our hight light reception, we can see a lot more than most others species in the Conglomera. Our body had 6 Limb, 4 for the mobility, 2 for the manipulation of object. We are a detritivore / herbivorous species.

Us being one of the first species of the Conglomera didn't help in being accepted even from the newer species and for us who have high respect for our seniors, it was really weird for us to not receive this same respect we gave to our seniors in the Conglomera but we aren't a species prone to fight so we just let it go.

We saw most species join the Conglomera, we weren't the first but the tenth species to join. We're coming from a Class 2 Garden world, Has such we're a peaceful species. And we always try to end conflict with diplomacy and non-violence. When the war of the system X-105-B started in the year 1557 of the galactic calendar, we weren't prepared for it. We tried to end the conflict before it started. We couldn't stop it the different species from jumping to each other throat for the resource of the system after such a bad event we were in such chock that we swear to never try to involve ourselves in such conflict.

After almost 120 years since the discovers of the last sentient species, we found Them, the Humans. When we saw photos of them they seemed a little hod but not has much as the others species let us think. Then we encountered them with the Diplomat, M. Guyader. When the council to decide of if they would join us or not. We know we needed to make them our allies. With their big stripe on all their body and their magnificent color change. We couldn't explain why but we needed to have them has allies.

When we talk about what we saw with the others species. They didn't understand us. Then we knew again it was our eyes that permit us to see it. Perhaps the humans themselves didn't know about that but us we saw them with their magnificent color like the galactic dust cloud. Our diplomat came after M. Guyader. And Managed to have a conversation with them to try to start a close relationship between our species. Here's a transcription of the conversation :

- Hey, M. Guyader ! Wait ! Please !

- Who ? WOAH

almost fall and the skin of the human turn green

- Sorry if I scarred you M. Guyader.

- No problem, I just tended to be a little scared of insect and seeing someone who resemble on that much and being taller than me startled me.

Goes to a more Yellow like color but still with small int of green

- OK I will keep that in mind. Do you time ahead of you ?

In awe because of the quick change of color of the Human

- A little yes. Why ?

- I'm the representative of the Kroust and as such we would like to form an alliance with your species or at least to start a rapprochement between our two species.

- OK ? Why that ? We're not even a part of the Conglomera, we still need to prove ourselves

Goes to a light purple .

- Because we can see what other cannot.

- What do you mean ?

The purple skin darken.

- Take literally. We literally have the best eyes of the Conglomera. And we're the only one who can see your beautiful display of color. And those strip on your skin isn't something we see a lot in the Conglomera.

- My what ?

Look at himself in disbelief wile the purple darken even more.

- Your color like your doing right now ?

- I don't know what your talking about thought...

Return to a light green.

- You don't know ? You don't see yourself changing color ?

-No, what do you mean changing color ?

-It's very dim compared to other species that use camouflage but it's still there, Right now your in a light green and your strip are a little darker.

-You're joking I don't even have strip...

- I assure you, you do. So about this rapprochement between our two species ?

- I will communicate about it to the Terran council... And I will talk about those color you talk about... Have a good day.

------------------------------------------END OF COMMUNICATION-----------------------------------------

Now we know that the color that Human display for our only pleasure are 1000 too dim for human to see. Has the only species in the conglomerate that can see it we are the only one who don't need to decipher Human idiom and language technique to understand what they mean. Since the first encounter with M. Guyader our two species have socialized a lot. And we almost have only one government between the two species. It become more common each day to see family with both species and the medical technology of the human they even managed to make hybrid between our species even if some specimen of the two species tend to not like it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04 ⏰

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