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I don't really know what I'm gonna title this one. I don't know what this one's gonna be about to be honest.

I guess I'll start with what the only certainty of anything ever is. Love.

Love is something so strong. So so strong. It has the power to break you, and to make a whole lot stronger. It helps bring out the best in you, or make you feel worse than ever.

But it's also the most powerful thing to ever exist. No matter what you will always find love! Whether that be family, friends, or not even relevant. Let me show you.

Start with religion. The easy one. Jesus sacrificed because of his love for us. Simple as that really.

I'm not a religious guy per se, but some people are. Honestly it's understandable why.

Now let's go to.. people. You have so many people surrounding you, so many. But people are delicate. They will break if you push them too far. My advice to you is to not push the compassionate away. Your parents, siblings, friends, best friends, lovers... all of them really do love you. Or at least they should. I understand sometimes it could be hard to understand them. Or they could seem to be commanding. But really they're just trying to look out for you.

Sorry.. went off a bit of a tangent. I do that sometimes.

Hate! Yes.. hate. That four letter word everybody despises. The one everyone is afraid of! It's a brilliant concept really, but I'm going to tell you something that might just change how you think of it.

Hate and love are the same.

I know, I know it sounds crazy. But you can't hate without love. Let me explain. Love is a strong thing, as mentioned. But above all else, you'll notice if it's gone.

Hate is just the absence of love. The absence of that feeling that keeps you light and bubbly. So no hate isn't a choice. It's just what you do when the "love runs out"

Nothing can exist without love.

Cute dates..

Nothing can exist without love. Not when it is the fundamental material of the universe!!

"Love isn't an emotion. It's a promise."

That was Doctor Who, but when you think about it, it's such a true statement. Love isn't something you control. It's something your heart tells you. Something you are.

Don't forget, you can literally die of a broken heart. We need love.

Wow.. that was a lot. Probably went off in 40 directions but heyyyy it's me what did you expect?

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