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I left as soon as I tucked her in bed, making sure her doors and windows were locked before leaving.

How ironic.

I sneaked out into the streets making sure I wasn't seen, on returning to the hideout my head was filled with thoughts, and replays about today.

But as I remember where I was headed, the soft smile that was on my lips slowly turned upside down.

"I can't keep this up."

The one time I felt like I had a true friend, my chances had to be ruined in the worst way possible. I painfully grit my teeth.

I didn't want to be a traitor.

My mission was dear to me, but was it dearer than her?

No, bringing that man to hell with me is far more important than a mere woman.
There's many more women I can find..

By the time I reached the peak of my thoughts, I had already arrived at the lair. I sucked in a breathe and went in, my hands shoved in my pockets and also bearing a confident structure.

I just needed to play along till then.

But for some odd reason, it felt so wrong to think like that.


"Hey! Hey! Dabi! Any luck? Of course not!" A cheerful- yet masculine voice calls, it was none other than Twice himself.

He was cool, not much of a nuisance though sometimes he switched between two personalities so it was kind of confusing.

I didn't answer waiting for him to continue. I assumed it was regarding Y/n's case, but I didn't say anything just in case it was some other matter I forgot about.

"About L/n! Who else?!" Twice huffed and I could only sigh internally, I completely forgot to make up my story.

Should I just say no?

"No progress yet.." I grumbled settling down on the bar, Twice deflated at my response - and to my dismay his little friend appears aswell. Toga had appeared around the corner and was surprised at the sight of me.

"Oh you bothered coming back~?!" She poked, it almost annoys me. But the fact that Twice decided to poke his nose in further amplified my annoyance:

"Yeah what about our plans?! We don't have plans fool!" He comically exclaimed with a finger on his chin.

"So? What gives?" I grumbled.

The blonde haired shrugged then giggled and took a seat next to me, with Twice following behind.

"We are a trio! Shiggy is always such a meanie! He won't come and hangout with us! That's why Dabi is kinder!" Toga boldly claims, and Twice violently nods- or at this point shakes his head in agreement.

I almost rolled my eyes. I pushed both of their faces away from me.

"Get off of me." I mumbled getting up to go to my room - in return I receive a number of whines and groans in protest.

"Hey! Come on we're bored let's do something!" Twice suggested, the both of them still following me.

"Pretty please~? We don't have anything to do!" Toga came over Infront of me and tried to stun me with the very known "puppy eyes" move.

As the oldest, I'm quite used to it.

"Go kill a stranger or something.." I pushed past her, shoving my hands in my pockets.

𝘚𝘌𝘊𝘖𝘕𝘋 𝘊𝘏𝘈𝘕𝘊𝘌 𝗱𝗮𝗯𝗶Where stories live. Discover now