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I haven't talked about this to anyone honestly, so I figured I'd share it here. First I hope whoever reads this is having a great day :)

Recently I have felt a steady, yet firm calling from God to come back to the Catholic Church. I have met many amazing Protestants through church and I plan to stay friends with them but I've gradually felt a calling to the Catholic Church, it started as praying the Rosary and doing other Catholic traditions and I grew a respect for the faith, but stayed away from the actual church because I felt it had been deeply flawed and perverted by power through time. And to be honest, I still believe it has been perverted and I don't believe in papal infallibility, but I also think it's unnecessary for Protestants to have hundreds of different subsets and churches while simultaneously having less than half the followers that the Catholic Church has.

So clearly, this build-a-bear theology claiming that all you need is the Bible just separates people, because people naturally think and interpret things differently. I disagree with the notion that the church is a higher authority than the Bible, but one thing is clear by how united the Catholic Church is compared to the Protestant Church: we need an interpretation of the Bible for unity and clarity.

I don't believe the Protestant faith is wrong or bad inherently, but I see how it is theologically flawed, whereas the Catholic Church has only been flawed by humans. Maybe he is just calling me to Orthodoxy too because I am quite opposed to the idea of a man with the authority to speak for God, but whatever it is I feel a calling to leave the Protestant faith. I will surely update you guys, though!

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