Mayhem's Section

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Greetings humans, happy GA day from Mayhem. 

Sorry I haven't been active much recently, been busy with college and training to be a climbing instructor. 

I have been writing tho. Bits. 


I managed to get a boyfriend and he likes Thunderbirds, he's only seen the 2004 film but we'll get there, eventually. 

He's started writing this book, I'm a co-writer and editor but 95% of the chapter ideas are his. 

It will be published on the  14th of April, 2025. Yes, a year. No complaining. 


The year is 2100, technology is evolving faster than ever & with that comes more disasters

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The year is 2100, technology is evolving faster than ever & with that comes more disasters.

However when services such as International Rescue, Spectrum, WASP, and any other defence agency have been scrapped due to costs going in and lack of profit coming out.

Disastersters man-made & natural alike make the world a terrifying place to live.

International Rescue hasn't been seen for nearly 20 years making the world think even their most beloved heroes had given up on them.

However, something will change on a small island in the South Pacific Ocean. 

Teasers for characters will be out on the Thunderbirds' Day this year, on this account and mine. 

Until then, enjoy this small sneak peek from me & whatever the heck else the others have in store for you. 


-Midget Mayhem

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