Bonnie and Matt don't even make it outside. "Wait, I have an easier way. You don't need to talk to someone specifically, right? Like, will anyone dead work?" he asked.

"I don't know. Why?"

"I've been hiding something from you because I didn't know what it was. And I didn't want to stress you out."

"What is it?"

"I've been seeing Vicki. Her ghost, I mean."

"But I can see ghosts."

"I don't think she wants you to see her. She said the hybrids don't work because Elena is still alive."

"She could be lying. Or manipulated by a witch."

"You believe I'm seeing her?"

"Of course I do. I'm a witch. She was your sister. But just because you see her doesn't mean you can trust her. I know it's hard Matt," she tried to grab his hand but he yanked it away from her.

"No, you don't. Amour is still alive. You didn't fail her!" She cupped his face and saw the tears in his eyes that refused to fall.

"Babe, neither did you. Vicki was more than a year older than you and she made bad choices. You tried to help her. Then Damon killed her. So if you want, he's the one responsible, let's kill him."

"What?!" he asked, so surprised.

"You clearly want to kill anyone responsible. Even yourself. That's why you haven't been eating well or sleeping well."

"We can't kill him." She shrugged.

"I mean, we can. BUt fine, your decision." Rebekah walked into the hallway.

"I've been sleeping for ninety years but I still know witchcraft requires chanting."

"It's done. They say it's not working because she's alive." Bonnie had no issue making that announcement. The first time Elena died, it didn't hurt that bad. Had to be easier the second time around.

"You're sure?" she asked suspiciously.

"That's what they said." Bonnie said plainly. Rebekah turned to stare down Matt.

"Who are you again?"

"My boyfriend, so off limits."

"Fine, witchy. Heard loud and clear." The group headed back to the gym where Klaus was playing psychological mind games and Amour was playing tap tap on her ipod touch. Tyler and Caroline had joined them but she didn't care for Caroline and Tyler was outright mean to her. She didn't care that he was a werewolf now.

"So, what say thee?" Klaus asked, taking time away from talking to Elena and Stefan.

"She should be dead. So can I kill her now, Nik?" Rebekah asked.

"No, I'm pretty sure that means the opposite. But let's experiment, shall we? Tyler! How's that pesky monthly turn?" he asked but didn't wait for an answer before feeding him blood and snapping his neck. Amour felt his death in her soul and involuntarily, tears streamed down her face. She wiped them confusedly.

"Alright, little witch?" Niklaus asked her. She nodded. "He'll be okay. A hybrid. Like me."

"I know. I barely knew him. And he's usually been mean to me." He studied her. Amour tried to smile, "Really, I'm fine, Niklaus." She paused and had a thought, "Hey Niklaus?"

"Yes, little witch?"

"Can I call you Nik too?"

"Sure," he said without a care, but she knew it meant a lot. Kol called him Nik. So did Rebekah. Across the gym, old friends waited for Tyler to wake.

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