Tied Die Shirt

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(Aye! Hey! I got some good writing ideas thanks to someone. So this one will have way more lemon so sit tight and READ IT)

    I pulled out a Tied Die Shirt. I smiled then I was picked up and shoved in the closet. I landed on my feet and my back was inches away from the back of the closet. I stood up all the way and smiled at my work. Then it hit me, I got the brothers. My eyes got big as I realized what my fate was. The door opened and I saw the two brothers standing there. The had a big grin on their faces and I back up to the wall as they walked in. As the door closed I felt my hope leave my body. They walked closer to me as the light escaped.

(Lemon part starts now, I warn you that I went deep. So... This will be the most nose bleeding you will have reading this. Have fun ;)        )

  They walked closer to me and I slowly slid down the wall. 

"We'll Hikaru, it looks like we have a new toy to play with"

"Let's not waste anymore time. Just follow are little plan"

   I turned white when they said 'plan'. I sat all the way down and they smiled devilishly. I gulped and they one of them picked up my left arm. The other picked up my right one. They let go of me and I stood there scared out of my skin. I couldn't tell who was who. One started sucking on my neck. I bit my lip and I tried not to open my mouth. He nibbled on it and I was not going to give up. But I was wrong. He bit my neck and I gasped and to no surprise the other brother made his way into my mouth. I felt his tongue touch mine and I went stiff. They both backed away and took of my hoodie. One went back to kissing me and the other.... Took of my bra! The cold covered my chest and I put my arms around the brother kissing me. The other held on of my breast and was licking the other. I brothers switched places and a idea hit my mind. I started taking of one of the brothers shirts. I flew it across the room and he got closer. They backed of and faced each other. They got closer and I felt a nosebleed coming. I got a good look at their faces and I knew how to tell them apart. The shirtless one was Hikaru, and the other Kaoru. They both smiled at turned to me. I started to move my hand and felt my clothes.

"Want to play a game?"

   I grabbed my clothes and I saw my little hope of life. Yay! I might keep my virginity!

"W-what game?"

"You know"

   I sighed and pointed to Hikaru.


   I moved my arm so I was pointing at Kaoru.


"You win!"

   I slipped on my clothes as both of them took a step back.

"What is my prize?!"

   I said happily. They looked at each other.

"We saw your computer images so we wanted you to see it in person"

   I gave a light blush and smiled. 

"Go ahead!"

   The seven long minutes are over. Hikaru took Kaoru's hands and pushed him to the ground. I took out my phone and started taking a video. I looked up to see the rest of the host club doing the same. As my yaoi files were coming to life I moved to the door and jumped onto the couch. I loaded to video on youtube. Mori closed the door and we waited 5 minutes. Then a weird sound came from the closet. I ran up to the closet and put my ear up to the door. I first couldn't make out the sounds. Then I heard the words.

"Kaoru.... Ahhh. Don't stop"

    I turned red as the images flying around in my head made it 10 times hotter. Tamaki stood up and put his ear to the door. I backed up to see his face. First the horror, then a bright red blush. I sat back down putting my hand over my mouth. I was about to burst out laughing. Tamaki backed up and turned to the host club.

"Well.. Let's go find a new closet"


Ouran High School Host Club 7 minutes in heavenWhere stories live. Discover now