Chapter Nine

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You walked into the aquarium with a box of donuts, humming softly to yourself. As soon as you opened the door, Floyd shot up through the surface, grinning at you excitedly. He let out a series of clicks when you opened the donut box and showed off its contents to him.

You moved closer with a giggle and let him reach one of his webbed hands into the box and retrieve a donut. He stuffed nearly the entire thing into his mouth at once, his cheeks puffed out from the sheer amount of chocolate.

"Did you say thank you?" a voice asked. From behind Floyd, Jade swam over to the side, mismatched eyes narrowed.

"Thank you!" Floyd said through the mouthful of donut, a large grin spreading across his lips.

"Would you like a donut, Jade?" you asked.

"Yes, please," Jade said smoothly, taking a donut from the box and taking a small bite, "Thank you."

"Where's Azul?" you asked, "He should have a donut too."

"You are very kind," Jade said, a simple smile gracing his lips, "If you aren't careful, you'll get taken advantage of."

You blinked in surprise, "That's... I'll have to be careful then." Jade was truly an intelligent halfling, to the point it scared you a little. "But I'd still like Azul to have a donut."

"Azul?" Floyd asked, perking up. Before you could say anything, Floyd dove down and came back dragging a black tentacle to the surface.

You tried not to laugh at his eagerness to make you happy and instead scolded him, "You shouldn't drag him."

Floyd gave you a grin that was all teeth and you sighed, waving sheepishly at Azul as his head broke the surface, surly expression on his face.

"Sorry to bother you, Azul, I just wanted to see if you wanted a donut," you admitted, holding out the donut box.

The white-haired male looked surprised, his eyebrows raising as you opened the box and displayed all of the donuts to him. He took a glazed donut and began to slip back into the water. Disappointed by such a short encounter, you found yourself saying, "Wait, Azul!"

Azul paused and gave you a curious look. Without thinking, you blurted out, "Can I hold your tentacle?"

His eyes bugged out and his mouth parted in shock, "P-pardon?"

"I just want to see what it feels like," you admitted.

Hesitantly, one of Azul's inky black tentacles lifted from the water and stretched out to you. You walked over to the edge and sat down, boots dangling over the water as you took his tentacle into your hands. A blue blush spread up Azul's face as you inspected his appendage.

The tentacle was black on top and smooth, but the underside was light purple with suction cups. You trailed your fingers around one of the suction cups and smiled at the blushing octopus halfling.

"Alright," you said, taking a look at the clock, "I really have to be moving on."

Floyd let out a disappointed wail and you reached out and ruffled his teal hair. He let out a pleased clicking sound and leaned into your touch.

Jade watched on with a pleasant smile, but something about the look in his eyes as he watched you sent a chill down your spine.

You stood up and waved goodbye to them all. As you walked out the door, you could hear Floyd clicking to Jade, as though he were arguing with him.

For some reason, it made you uncomfortable, as though you knew you were the one being talked about.

Shrugging off the sensation, you headed toward the reptile house. The sun was already going down as you walked down the pathway. A little girl waved at you and you waved back cheerfully before climbing through the employee door and into the snake exhibit.

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