Chapter 14

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Some time had passed and the other princesses were still waiting for Celestine and Flukey to finish talking alone and it was making some of them worry, especially Prim. 

Prim: Celestine and Flukey have been talking for a while now. I hope everything's okay. 

Alicia: I'm sure everything's just fine Prim. Though I won't deny it's a little concerning. 

Claudia: Maybe they're discussing future plans.

Luu-Luu: Without us? 

Claudia: I did say "Maybe". 

Maia: Hmm. Maybe Celestine's giving Flukey a little "reward" for everything he's done for us. I mean, he did singlehandedly save us from getting turned into a bunch of brain-dead cock-addicted whores. Though I kinda wish I could give him my body first. 

Kaguya stayed silent as the rest of the princesses looked at Maia after making her comment as she was thinking to herself in her head.

Alicia: I-I doubt that's what Celestine's doing. Maybe Claudia's right and they're just discussing plans.

Maia: Hey I was just saying. Doesn't mean I'm right. Though if that is what's going on though I'm proud of Celestine. Didn't think she had it in her.

Prim could feel herself getting jealous at the thought of Flukey and Celestine potentially having sex but her jealousy subsided a bit when she noticed how quiet Kaguya was. 

Prim: Kaguya? Are you okay? You've been quiet for a while now. 

Kaguya then looked at Prim. 

Kaguya: Hm? Oh sorry. I was just thinking about something. 

This caused the rest of the girls to look at Kaguya curiously. 

Kaguya: I understand you all didn't notice it, not being able to wield magic but I noticed it the moment I came into contact with Flukey. When he saved me and my maidens, I sensed Dark Elf energy emanating from him or specifically the bracelet that he carries with him. And there's only one Dark Elf we know that has magic at their side. 

Their eyes widened at the realization as Kaguya continued. 

Kaguya: I know what you're all thinking and no Flukey is unaware of our quarrel with Olga. I believe he saved her life out of the kindness of his heart. He also didn't strike me as someone who's from Eostia and I'm sure Celestine felt the same way and wanted to speak to him privately on the matter.

Claudia: So what do we do? 

Kaguya: For now we should wait for Celestine to come back and let us know what happened. Though I'm sure we have nothing to worry about.

With no other choice, the girls decided to trust Celestine's judgment and do as Kaguya instructed, patiently waiting for her to return and let them know what's going on. 

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