~Practise game against the cats~

Start from the beginning

Yaku noticed I felt uncomfortable and kicked him in his ass

Yaku: Yamamoto, you're scaring the poor first year away! If you keep admiring her like that she won't give you your bottle ever your dumbass

Yamamoto: Ahhh! I'm sorry!

Kuroo: Man, no wonder you never had a girlfriend! Haha, you can't even talk to a pretty one!

They started to argue. Yamamoto, as his name seems to be, denied it and Kuroo kept pushing. Yaku apologised to me for their behaviour.

Y/N: Uhm... no problem

It was my first words I said to one of the nekoma players, when we forget what happened earlier with their pudding.

Now that I think about it, he looked like a stray kitten who was in a new surrounding and got lost. He was a bit taller than me, not even 10cm to be exact.

The third set was about to begin so I got back to the other two managers. Bokuto has just gotten into his depressive episode which was bad to start the third set with.

Akaashi really had problems handling him today so we took a time out really early on. No matter what everyone said it wouldn't help. The other two managers looked at me like I could help. How should I help? I don't know how to handle his episodes but I guess I have to try

Y/N: Bokuto, put yourself together and show them why you're our ace!

Everyone looked at me surprised. They never heared me talk much and not such words. I still haven't gotten used to my new club members and it was hard to connect to them.

Bokuto: Y/N... just spoke a real full sentence!

He seemed to be amused and everyone including me was very surprised that it worked. Seems like word from a person that doesn't speak much and haven't said anything like that before can get him to cheer up

Bokuto: Alright, I'll do my best out there for Y/N! Watch me closely yeah? I'm gonna show you and them why I'm the ace!

He pointed proudly at himself. Back on the court he really did his best. The two managers gave me a thumbs up and I blushed from embarrassment.

The rest of the following sets Bokuto was really in a good mood and nekoma lost most matches or had to play hard to get a set for them.

When it finished and it was clean up time Bokuto was following me around like a mom and wouldn't let me help clean up or do anything. It is pretty annoying honestly.

Somehow he thinks I'm his child now, just because of earlier or something. The reason he said was: 'I showed you that I'm the ace and now you have to look up to me! So I'll be a responsible ace and make sure you're not hurting yourself'

He really made me frustrated that I sat down against a wall. I didn't know that I just said down to the pudding head, Kenma.

I looked to my side and saw him. He was playing a game. I looked over his shoulder and saw animal crossing on the switch scream. I gasped loudly and he noticed me

Y/N: You play Animal Crossing?! How cool!

Kenma flinched when he noticed me. He just nodded and looked back at his game. Everyone else was still talking with eachother or cleaning.

Y/N: show me your island! Please~

*he just nodded and walked around. When he looked up to me he saw my amusement. We sat their in silence for a long while*

Kenma: By the way, why did you thank me earlier? Is your cat a home cat or what?

I shook my head

Y/N: He had a vet appointment and I realised to late he wasn't home

He just said oh and we sat there in silence again as I watched him play. A while past and everyone was packing up. Both of us stood up and before we walked away from eachother he spoke up again

Kenma: You're cat is really cute and fluffy

I smiled at him and we walked away from eachother. Soon Nekoma Left and Yamamoto made sure to say extra goodbye to me. I never had someone do that before.

When I said goodbye and walked out of the gym Bokuto ran up to me with Akaashi following him.

Bokuto: Hey! Hey! Hey! Are you walking home today?

I nodded. I was earlier in such a rush that I ran across 3km field way to the town of our school. Normally I would take my bike but I forgot I owned one earlier.

Bokuto: You shouldn't walk home alone this late at night over the fiel way! It's dark and no one is there.

Y/N: But you guys live here in the town and you never cared about that before

Bokuto: Huh? Really? Well now I do. We can't have our new first year manager get run over by wild animals!

Y/N: I'll be fine, I'll go now

I didn't let Bokuto protest before I left. When I got home and checked my phone I saw a message from Bokuto and asked me if I got home safe. I answered with a yes and then went to eat dinner.

My dad greeted me in the kitchen and made dinner so I sat down on the table and we talked about our day and other things. We ate together and I went upstairs to do my homework.

I thought about the day again and noticed that I had no problem talking with Kenma earlier, basically a stranger to me. Oh man I must have embarrassed myself earlier when I sat down next to him. But that doesn't matter anymore, it happened anyway.

I soon fell asleep and had a good night sleep

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