Although Xiangqian's status as a retired veteran, had he not sustained injuries to his legs and declined government arrangements, he could have become a successful official based on his military exploits.Therefore, even upon returning home to farm, Xiangqian would have still received a substantial monthly benefit. However, during those years, welfare provisions were meager at best. It was partly due to this lack of adequate support that He Zhier, amidst widespread starvation, gave birth to their only daughter, Fang Yuxi.

Despite Xiangqian's relentless efforts to procure food, the situation remained dire. He selflessly sacrificed almost all edible items for He Zhier, resorting to consuming bark and grass roots himself. Nevertheless, even with this sacrifice, He Zhier, pregnant with Fang Yuxi, struggled to consume enough sustenance, leading to several close brushes with death for Fang Yuxi.

After giving birth to Fang Yuxi, He Zhier appeared to have sacrificed her own well-being for her daughter's, channeling all nutrients and energy towards her. Despite her determination to nurse Fang Yuxi for six months, it was a struggle. Tragically, one night when Fang Yuxi was just over six months old, she peacefully fell asleep and never woke up again, leaving behind the man and daughter she cherished dearly.

When Xiang Qian discovered his wife's lifeless body, he observed that He Zhier's limbs were already rigid, as if she had foreseen her fate. He Zhier, who had always cradled their daughter to sleep, allowed her to rest on the small bed Xiang Qian had prepared that night.

Despite his profound grief, the cries of his hungry daughter and the dwindling food supplies propelled him onto the challenging path of single-handedly raising her, leaving him no time to mourn.

A young girl, over six months old, has lost access to her mother's breast milk and now faces a crisis in feeding. How should she be nourished? This dilemma persists for Xiang Xiang, as few dare to bring children into the world during these trying times, and many women are unable to conceive. Even if a child is born, the challenges of sustaining them are immense. Unlike Xiangqian and He Zhier, who regarded Fang Yuxi as their lifeline, Xiangqian finds himself without options. Even if he were willing to sacrifice his dignity to obtain milk for his child, he lacks the means to do so, not to mention the costly and scarce powdered milk. It's simply beyond Xiangqian's means and abilities. Do you understand?

It's just that Fang Yuxi's life should not be cut off. Her hunger was so severe that she rolled her eyes and had only one breath left. Holding her close, Xiangqian wept, feeling the weight of losing yet another loved one, the only child among eight raised by the production team who didn't make it. But then, a ray of hope emerged, the ewe had given birth! Although the ewe is already very thin, she could still provide some milk.

As the captain rushed towards him with a bowl of pungent ewe's milk, Xiangqian felt as though he'd encountered an angel. Without hesitation, he used the ewe's milk to nourish Fang Yuxi, sacrificing a third of his meager welfare benefits for the village.

In this way, Fang Yuxi survived the arduous three years that followed. Under Xiangqian's watchful eye, she transformed from a babbling infant into a capable young woman, able to assist her father when he was tired and panting, delivering him a bowl of cold boiled rice.

It's a pity that God seems to be particularly dissatisfied with Fang Yuxi. At the age of six, Xiangqian finally succumbed to years of fatigue and the lingering pain from the war, collapsing while toiling in the fields. He never woke up, leaving behind his beloved daughter, just six years old.

With the support of the villagers, Fang Yuxi buried her father, her heart heavy with grief. For three days, she burned with fever, consumed by sorrow. But when she awoke, it was as if she had been reborn into her former life. Looking at her hands, still slender but no longer resembling chicken claws as they had in her previous existence, Fang Yuxi burst into tears, crying all the bitterness and grievances of her life. Though the pain threatened to pull her under once more, she found the strength to endure, determined to forge a new path forward.

"Oh! Xixi, you're awake! It's great. You've been in a coma for three days, but you almost scared your aunt to death. Please, open your eyes! Wake up!" A loud voice echoed from the doorway, brimming with concern for Fang Yuxi. But, amidst her tears, no one noticed her thin body stiffened.

Fang Yuxi's closed eyes remained shut, gripped by fear. She was afraid that the moment she opened her eyes, the hatred brewing within would betray her inner turmoil. Her skinny hands tightly clutched the shabby quilt under her body, her heart full of hatred.

Seeing Fang Yuxi's closed eyes and the tears streaming down her face, Tang Guihua hurriedly approached Fang Yuxi's bed. Gazing at the thin body under the quilt, a calculating gleam flickered in her eyes as she spoke softly, "Xixi, please stop crying. Your health is not good to begin with, and it will further hurt your body if you continue to cry. Your father cherishes you so much, and if he knows that you have hurt your body for him, he will not be able to have peace even in the afterlife."

Fang Yuxi composed herself, mustering the strength to open her large, watery eyes. She looked sadly and vacantly at Tang Guihua, and sobbed softly: "Aunt Tang, I feel so lost, I want my dad!"

Seeing Fang Yuxi like this, Tang Guihua immediately sat beside her on the bed and hugged Fang Yuxi's little body. She didn't notice that Fang Yuxi's body in her arms was very stiff. She spoke with a pained expression, "Oh! Xixi! What are you doing? Life is so hard. Your father has passed away just after these days. Don't worry, even though your father has passed away, from now on you will follow Aunt Tang, and Aunt Tang will raise you. From now on, we will be a family, and from now on you will be my daughter. Aunt Tang will definitely love you as her own daughter. She will find you a good man in the future and let you go to the city to eat delicious food and live in a big house!"

It seemed that Tang Guihua's heart was full of sincerity as she made this promise. To outsiders, it appeared as though Fang Yuxi was truly her daughter. Anyone who witnessed their bond would commend Tang Guihua for her kindness and righteousness.

However, as Fang Yuxi remained in Tang Guihua's embrace, her heart was bleeding with hatred. She harbored an intense desire to plunge a knife into Tang Guihua's heart, wishing to end her existence immediately.

In a time of widespread hardship where families struggle to put food on the table, an unrelated aunt steps forward willingly to care for a child without seeking anything in return. What a noble sentiment and greatness. What a benevolent and righteous family, Tang Guihua is such a good person!

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Fang Yuxi's face. She thought that after so many years, she had long forgotten her hatred for Tang Guihua, but encountering her again reignited a violent rage within her heart.Her anger has not diminished at all, just like the moment when she sent hundreds of venomous snakes into Tang Guihua's house.

Yes, Fang Yuxi hates Tang Guihua, she hates her very much. If there is anyone in this world that Yuxi hates the most, it is Tang Guihua.

Fang Yuxi remembers this day very clearly, because this day was the beginning of her fall into hell, and it was precisely because of Tang Guihua's seemingly kind words that ultimately sealed her fate and condemned her to a life of ruin.

Although Fang Yuxi didn't have a mother before she was six years old, she had a father who doted on her and made her a little princess. Although her father lost a leg, her father was a rare person in the village who could read and settle accounts, and he was also a wartime hero. 

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