Chapter Fourteen: Prisoner Of Fate

Start from the beginning

She nodded solemnly, her expression unwavering. "Yes, slay the dragon," she affirmed, her voice resonating with unwavering conviction.I swallowed hard, steeling myself against the overwhelming sense of dread that threatened to consume me. "And if I refuse?" I challenged, though the words tasted bitter on my tongue.

Her smile widened, a glint of something darker flickering in her eyes. "You don't have a choice," she declared, her tone final and absolute. "The fate of our kingdom depends on it."

A few months in

The clang of steel filled the air as our swords clashed, the sound echoing off the walls of the training room. With each strike, I felt the weight of my doubts and insecurities pressing down on me, threatening to overwhelm my resolve.She moved with effortless grace, her movements fluid and precise, a stark contrast to my own clumsy attempts at defense. I stumbled backward, struggling to keep pace with her relentless assault.

"Come on!" she urged, her voice sharp with determination. Her fencing gear hugged her figure tightly, accentuating the strength and agility that lay beneath. I mirrored her movements, my own gear feeling heavy and restrictive against my skin.In a desperate attempt to gain the upper hand, I lunged forward, but she was quicker, sidestepping my attack with ease. Before I could react, her blade connected with my cheek, sending a jolt of pain coursing through me.

I staggered backward, clutching my stinging cheek, while she advanced with purpose. With a swift motion, she disarmed me, sending my sword clattering across the room. We tumbled to the ground in a tangled heap, her straddling me as she held her sword at my throat.

Our faces were mere inches apart, the heat of our exertion mingling in the air between us. I met her gaze, a mix of fear, awe, and determination swirling in my eyes.

"Never drop your sword," she admonished, her voice firm but not unkind. In that moment, as I lay pinned beneath her, I felt a surge of something powerful stir within me – a fierce determination to rise above my doubts and fears, to become stronger, to become worthy of the challenge that lay ahead.

I would awaken in the modest room allotted to me, greeted by the simple furnishings – a bed, a table, and a wardrobe. It felt reminiscent of a boarding school dormitory, a stark departure from the opulence of my former life. With each passing day, I would add another line to the tally etched into the wall, a silent testament to the passage of time.

Dressing quickly, I eschewed the confines of a corset, opting instead for practical vests and gear suited to the rigors of training. It had been months since I last wore such restrictive garments, and I relished the freedom of movement they afforded.

A soft knock at the door interrupted my thoughts, and I bid the visitor to enter. It was Orion, bearing a pitcher of water. Grateful for the gesture, I thanked him and accepted the refreshment, knowing that I had long since forsaken the customary breakfasts of my former life. In this new reality, sustenance came in the form of hearty meals consumed under the cover of night, providing the fuel needed for the demanding days ahead."And Kazuha requests you on the field very soon," Orion informed me before departing, leaving me to contemplate the task that lay ahead. Kazuha – her name conjured images of strength and determination, qualities that she embodied in her role as my trainer. With a resolve born of necessity, I finished the water, freshened up, and prepared myself for the grueling regimen that awaited me on the training field.

I stepped onto the training field, greeted by the sight of Kazuha in her customary red cloak. There was an air of intensity about her, a determination that hinted at the challenging session that lay ahead."I'm feeling mean today," Kazuha declared, her tone firm and unwavering. I couldn't help but let out a resigned sigh. "Aren't you always?" I retorted, half-jokingly.

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