Chapter three

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Chapter three

"Are you sure you won't ride that" Rolan asked getting her attention, their third time walking past the ring of fire "it only goes upside down for a few seconds, you'd hardly notice."

"I am sure" she sighed "it may only be for a few seconds but it is does it a few times." The atmosphere seemed to be getting lighter with every minute she spent with him. Finding that she wanted to be near him, wanting to talk to him, and hear his voice, wanting to feel the feeling his breath on her ear gave him. She knew that a lot of what she was feeling was because of the last six years, there wasn't anything he didn't know about her and that alone made things easier.

"So no flying, no upside down, no heights, no bugs, and no..." He teased her like she had him earlier "what do you like to do?"

She answered "hunt, fish, kayak, swim, walk, camp, hike, take pictures..." She froze at the thought pulling her smart phone out of her pocket. Sticking her right arm out far enough that the screen showed both their faces while pulling him downward she shouted "smile" then kissed him on the cheek and snapped the picture.

"Won't Josh see that?" He questioned, and though she knew he didn't rightly care, he was still just watching out for her though the reminder of him caused her stomach to flop. While staring at the photo on her screen, the reminder of Josh made her slightly pull away from Rolan. "Hey now" he whispered pulling her back "how about we ride that then?" Pointing to the carousal, and, pulling her towards it.

She agreed, and, they got into the decently short line, had it been any longer she would have said no. "Do you really want to ride this?" She asked while the load of people switched out with that of some that were already in line.


The sun poked through the white curtain in the room shining in Marta's face, she hadn't even remembered getting into bed let alone falling asleep. She barely remembered she was with Rolan until she sat up and, noticed him in the other bed.

After remembering that she vomited all over a little blonde girl on the carousel at the fair the night before Martha breathed into her hands. Hoping she didn't have vomit breathe, though it felt a bit dry she had no foul taste in her mouth. "Just morning breath" she muttered while climbing from bed "thank god!" Not only were her teeth needing brushed, but, her bladder was screaming for relief as well.

Feeling awkward as his eyes suddenly popped open while she was watching him sleep. He whispered "good morning" quietly then asked "been awake long?" She shook her head no, feeling an idiot and, she looked away. He stated "It is ok, I watched you sleep for almost two hours last night."

"Creepy much" she laughed tossing a pillow at him. "I was thinking" she cleared her throat "that maybe we could head east today, maybe see where we end up." And, kept watching his face for any sign that he didn't want to do that but, all he did was prop himself up on his elbows.

He sighed "first, I need to pee" and, Marta's eyes shifted to that part of his body, thankful it was still covered with the blanket.

He snickered a bit and she blurted "sorry" while shaking her head and covering her face.

"Your cute" he said quietly while walking passed her towards the bathroom "but you are going to have to get over the shyness with me one ways to another."

Lying back onto the bed she started to think about how bad of a fool she had to have just made herself look. Growling she tossed her head back into the pillow with her eyes closed and whispered, asking herself "what are you doing?"

The bed shifted next to her, from Rolan's body weight as he bounced on it saying "you my gorgeous girl are going to have to loosen up, and enjoy yourself a bit." He took a deep breath, she opened her eyes and he added "because that is what the next two weeks is supposed to be about."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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