chapter 2.

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| mi casa su casa |

"at least you don't live far" you looked up at semi from his door.

he stood tall in front of you rubbing his eyes. he moved to the side gesturing you to walk in and make yourself at home. "slippers are on the right" he said as he was closing the door

you side-eyed and noticed they were hotel slippers. "you stole this?"

"borrowed." he raised his hands, "is the word i like to use."

"mhm~" you raised a brow

you put your bags on the couch and slumped down on the cushion. "should i ask?"

"no not right now" you answered. you placed your hand on your head, "god- i think i need an advil"

"unfortunately..." semi slowly said, "i JUST ran out"

you deadpanned. "deadass?"


"fuck- okay" you got up and patted your sweats. "how far is the convenience store?"

"sit your ass down" he came over to you, "it's mad dark out and it's late with a bunch of creeps"

"so accompany me" you said, "play body guard"

semi chuckled, "i'm gonna play: goodnight"

he walked into his room and shut the door. you stood in the living room in defeat. "guess i won't go" you sighed and went right back to the couch.

you turned your head over to the coffee table and looked at his new alexa. "hey alexa...what time is it?"

"it is 3 am, maybe you should get some rest-"

"okay okay" you quickly said. the robot turned off and you went on your phone- not expecting any messages from suna but to your surprise he texted you saying

"did you throw away my fidget toy?"

you responded with an emoji combo: a cat farting and then turned your phone on do not disturb.

all he cares about is that damn fidget toy.

you hear earl sweatshirt's music coming from semi's room and assumed the worst.

he's going through something.

"you good?" you raised your voice

you didn't get a response back. you walked up to his door and knocked.

when you knocked the door slightly opened and you peeped in. semi was midway taking his shirt off.

"ew leave"

"i knocked!"

"and now you're spying"

"oh-" he caused you to pause


"just hurry up and change." you walked in anyways, "i'm ready to talk"

"oh my god i can't even change in my own house."

"please this is the only time a girl has been to your house since..." you stopped yourself

"too far" semi looked at you, his eyes soulless

you cleared your throat, "uhm soooo suna isn't planning on advancing our relationship any further and i feel like we keep hitting the same roadblock over and over again."

"have you tried couples therapy?" semi suggested

"he did." you shrugged, "i'm not too sure about it though"

"why not?"

"does that even work?" you turned to him, "i mean from what i heard that only breaks couples up"

"you won't know unless you try." semi laid on his bed, arms behind his head.

"also-" semi added, "don't even try to think you're sleeping in my room this time. because every single time you come over and sleep i end up on the floor. i think that's why my chiropractor has been cracking my joints a little too much."

"you're so dramatic" you pushed his shoulder, "that won't happen"

you rolled your eyes and looked at him smile, "but i'll suggest couples therapy."


"you're welcome" semi yawned, "i'm knocking out"

he reached his arm behind you and turned off the light.



* suggested song for this chapter *


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