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Alice grabs her coat, soon leaving the Manor, Before a voice calls. "Awh?, leaving so soon?"

Ey.. That voice, Sirius Black, A Gryffindor, one of the Pureblood BLACK family, Prankster, best student back in hogwarts, He lean to the side of the door frame with the biggest fattest smirk plastered on his face. "I have to meet Lily."

Alice said, holding her and Sirius's healthy, Sleeping, An a Metamorphogus(dk how to spell it), Baby, well– A Girl. "Just be safe, Bring your wand!" Sirius exclaims, as Alice grabs her wand too.

"Bye!" Alice exclaims, leaving the manor before Sirius yells, "NO 'LOVE'?" He yells playfully before Alice chants a spell.

Soon the door shuts closed, "that woman is incredible.."


"Lily!" Alice exaggerates as she sees Lily, she soon hugs her with open arms and well, James holding his and Lily's baby and Alics and Sirius's Baby. "So glad to see you, Al!" Lily smiles as she grabs her baby from James.

"P-..p-...pongs!" Alice's baby stutters, making James rause his eyebrows expectedly, "uh, its Prongs with an R."

"Err..err." James made a R sound as Lily rolls her eyes. "Don't worry James, i'm sure she will get a hang of it..soon."

"Whatever, Dear." James grins and puts his arm around Lily's shoulders, Lily holds her baby boy, with a wide smile.

"Its Cutie Harry!" Alice makes a baby voice as she looks at Lily's baby boy– Harry. "A-...a....a...arlise..?"

"He spoke!" James exclaims, as Alice chuckles, "ofcourse he speaks James!" Lily argues as she went back smiley as ever.

Soon a loud thunder was heard and a very big banging. "I'll see who is it." James said, but wasn't bringing his wand since its with Lily. "Me too." Alice smiles softly as she places Her Baby Girl– Raven on the couch.

Both Alice and James went downstairs, James went to the door before it was knocked out, It was a Man, wearing a black hooded cape, His wand..his face..wait– Its Voldemort, or.. Who-he-shall-not-be-named.

"HEY! I JUST PAID FOR THAT DOOR!" James yells...those were his Last words before a Light bright green was casted from Voldemort's Wand, killing James in easy peasy lemon squeezy.

James froze, his eyes open, unable to move..BECAUSE HE WAS DEAD, He fell to the floor, his glasses had cracks and all. Alice saw it, she was halfway walking down the stairs.


She hears her name, in fear she quickly casts a Spell form her wand, with a twist and flip, "EXPELLIARMUS!!" She shouted.

The man's hood was off, showing his face, before yelling the killing curse, "AVADA KEDAVRA!!!"

Alice then saw a green bright light coming out of the man's wand, landing to her.

She gasps before falling on the stairs, going to the second step on the stair and stopped there, her head facing to the left, with a small tear stain on the corner of her eye, Her wand on her hand, holding but not firmly, loosely.

Some strands of her Brunette hair covering her Brown eyes abit.

The man rushed upstairs, opening the room where Lily and the two babies are.

Ms. Black or Mrs. Potter? ^^ H.J.PWhere stories live. Discover now