Chapter Eight

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Sidney rummaged through her wardrobe. Shalom sat on the bed cross-legged, her eyes glued to her iPhone. She got it from one of the big fishes she had caught months ago.

The guy had told her to tell him her wish. After thinking it through, she said iPhone. Her eyes widened in surprise when he brought out a phone package labeled an iPhone.

Faith, on the other hand, was also on the bed, working on her PC. She had an assignment to submit tomorrow. Her hands pressed the keyboard noisily as the answers downloaded from her brain.

After a while, Sidney finally got a party dress she had in mind to wear. She dropped the sleeveless mini gown on the bed. She heaved a frustrated sigh at the sight of her disheveled wardrobe.

After a few minutes of arranging her wardrobe, she sat on the bed and immediately her eyes darted from Shalom to Faith in confusion.

"Are you guys not coming to the night party?" She wasn't expecting them to be doing another thing aside from readying for the party.

Shalom's eyes went from her phone to Sidney's. Then, she said, "I'm kinda tired today. I can't make it."

Sidney's brows furrowed.

"What do you mean you can't make it? But I have told my friends that you guys would be coming. Now see, Shalom, what is wrong with you?"

"Oh my!" Shalom sighed. She rubbed her temple with her right hand.

In a slight anger, she asked.

"Don't you know when somebody is tired? I'm tired please, I can't go anywhere."

Sidney turned to Faith who was still busy, her head buried in her PC.

"What about you Faith? Are you coming?"

"No, I'm sorry. I have this gruesome assignment I am still working on. And I am submitting tomorrow, you guys," she said and puffed out some air. She was getting tired already but she had to finish the assignment.

Faith's eyes widened. Remembrance hit her. She had said what she wasn't supposed to say.

By the time she turned her face from her PC to her friends, Shalom was lying on the bed, her chest lying directly on the bed, and her face turned to the yellow-painted wall. She had stopped pressing her mobile. Shalom wasn't joking when she told Sidney that she was tired. But Sidney didn't believe her.

Shalom on the other hand was nowhere in sight. She had gone to have her bath.

Samantha was still in school by this time. She had class till 7 pm.

Faith proposed in her mind that she was going to wait for Sidney before she broke the news of her newfound faith to them. She was still surprised at how she got saved. Despite her rough past, God still came through for her. She smiled inwardly and turned her face to the assignment she was working on.

Just then, Shalom's phone buzzed. She aroused from her nap and reached out for her phone which was directly beside her.

She checked the ID, it was Chief Edward, one of her wealthy sugar daddies in town.

"Hey my baby girl, how are you?" a baritone voice sounded in her ear like instrumental sounds.

"I'm fine," Shalom smiled. She had sat up on the bed.

"Are you in for tonight? The meeting place is the same hotel room we have been meeting. The time is 9 pm. I can come pick you up in your room," he said.

"Ermm, Chief, I can't make it tonight."

His happy countenance metamorphosed to a sad mixed grief one.

"What do you mean you can't make it? What happened?"

Shalom swallowed her spit. "See, Chief, I'm very tired this evening and I need to rest."

The chief sad countenance did not change.

"Alright, I have heard you. I guess we should call it a day then."

"Yes. We will talk tomorrow. I love you, Chief. Thanks for the money you sent to me. I saw the alert."

Chief smiled. "It's not a problem. That's for your upkeep. Just tell me anything you need, and I will do it for you. I love you too, baby. Take care of yourself, hun?"

"Okay, Chief. Thanks a bunch."

The line went dead. Shalom smiled and dropped her phone on the bed.

Faith let out a slight cough, but Shalom ignored her. She went to her sleeping position again.

Sidney was already back from the bathroom. She covered her pale body with her towel. Water was dripping from her body.

Faith saw it and attempted to turn around.

Then, a call entered Shalom's phone again. Faith was slightly disappointed. She faced her assignment.

Shalom sleepily groped for her phone. She checked the ID. It was somebody she knew.

Time paused.

To be continued.

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