I began to focus my strikes, aiming for vulnerable spots to maximize their impact. Despite Raiden's resilience, my blows began to take their toll, causing him to stagger back, coughing up blood.

However, my concentration wavered momentarily when I noticed Neji smirking down at me, which proved to be a costly distraction. Before I could react, a sudden punch landed directly on my nose, causing me to stumble backward, blood dripping from my nostrils.

I wipe the blood away with the back of my hand. "Ouch," I sarcastically commented.

With a mixture of annoyance and determination, I activated my Sharingan, suppressing the curse mark threatening to consume me. Ignoring the pain, I moved with lightning speed, appearing behind Raiden with lethal intent.

One hand in front of his head and the other at the back of his head.

Before I could execute my attack, however, Hayate and Kakashi intervened, restraining me before I would cause serious harm. Kakashi held one of my arms while Hayate restrained the other, preventing me from carrying out my deadly intentions.

"You two are boring," I remarked, rolling my eyes at Kakashi's stern demeanour. His slit eyes only elicited a scoff from me. "What's with the serious faces?"

"You're coming with me," Kakashi stated firmly, his tone brooking no argument.

Meanwhile, Hayate announced, "Uchiha Misaki is the winner. I won't let the fight go any further."

"Dang it," Raiden huffed in a humorous tone, causing a smile to tug at my lips.

"Good job, Misaki!" Sakura exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine pride. I couldn't bring myself to turn and acknowledge her and Naruto's congratulations. Instead, the realization of what almost transpired hit me like a ton of bricks. I had come dangerously close to fatally harming Raiden.

"Wooo! You won, Misaki!" Naruto's exuberant shout rang out as Kakashi escorted me out of the room. With each step, the weight of my actions weighed heavily on my mind, overshadowing any sense of victory.


As Kakashi sat me down amidst the pillars, he placed kunai strategically around me for the sealing process. "Take your shirt off," he instructed, cutting his palm to prepare for the sealing. With a nod, I complied, slipping off my shirt to reveal the cursed mark etched on my skin.

Kakashi meticulously began drawing sealing incantations around the curse mark, a process that seemed to stretch on for an eternity. Each stroke of his hand sent a shiver of discomfort through me, and I clenched my jaw to suppress any cries of pain.

Finally, Kakashi announced, "Okay, that's it. It's almost done."

As his palm landed on my curse mark, a searing pain tore through me, eliciting a sharp scream of agony. I gritted my teeth, my hands pressing against the ground as I struggled to endure the pain coursing through my body.

When the process was complete, I looked back at Kakashi with a mixture of relief and lingering discomfort. "Ow!" I exclaimed, my voice strained from the ordeal. "Wasn't there a less painful way to seal this?"

"Sasuke and you have different tolerances, so I had to apply different sealing techniques for each of you," Kakashi explained, his hands slipping back into his pockets. "Though the seals may appear similar."

I couldn't help but feel a twinge of apprehension as I glanced down at the now-sealed curse mark. "This will contain it entirely, right?" I inquired, a hint of uncertainty lingering in my voice.

"If the curse mark awakens again, this sealing should contain it but the foundation of this sealing and this power is in the strength of your own will. You have to think you want this sealing to work for you to control it," Kakashi said while I stood up. "Misaki."

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