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Blitzø & Mammon were on their way back to Loo Loo Land

"Blitzø, you alright, mate?" Mammon said

"Yes sir, I'm fine." Blitzø said

"I have to admit, you really took a lot of balls to call Lucifer a false ruler & slap the shit out of Paimon like that, that was pretty impressive." Mammon said

"Am I in trouble for it?" Blitzø said

"Nah, as a matter of fact, I knew it would turn out like that." Mammon said

"Hm..." Blitzø said

"...Blitzø, I'm not trying to irritate you or anything, but...I think you should find someone to train you." Mammon said

"I'm already being trained by Monty." Blitzø said

"No, mate, I'm not talking about your physical strength, what I mean is you need to have someone to help you train your powers." Mammon said

"So you're saying I should accept Paimon's training?" Blitzø narrowed his eyes

"I didn't say that, there are others who you still trust like Charlie, Seviathan, & Alastor for example. So they might be able to help you in getting stronger with your powers." Mammon said

"I don't know, Mammon, I don't want them to get involved in my problems." Blitzø said

"Blitzø, if you wanna win the battle against Azrael, you're gonna have to find someone whose power matches yours to train you." Mammon said before scowling "Because if you don't, I promise you you'll be homeless & jobless for the rest of your days."

"Okay, Mammon, I'll try." Blitzø said

"Good." Mammon said before sighing "Blitzø, look, I don't mean to be hard on you, I'm just concerned that's all. Your life is basically on the line since you're gonna be fighting the Angel of Death next year. Tell you what, once you gain some muscle from your physical training within a few months, you need to start looking for someone to train your powers, alright?"

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

"Okay." Mammon said "Oi, listen, I have a clown pageant coming up in a few months, so I thought maybe you could compete in it."

"Mammon, you know I'm not good at circus acts such as juggling, balloons, & shit comedy." Blitzø said

"That's because you're holding back on your true talents, & I'm not talking about your powers." Mammon said "Deep down, I know there are other talents you have hidden other than making stuffies."

"But Mammon–." Blitzø said

"Don't interrupt, what I'm trying to say is you don't have to juggle, comedy, or any of that shit in the pageant. Just do your own thing." Mammon said

"Are you sure?" Blitzø said

"Positive, mate." Mammon smiled with encouragement

"Hey Mammon, can I ask you a question?" Blitzø said

"What?" Mammon said

"Well, look." Blitzø lifted his hand showing his ring

"Hang on, is that an Asmodean Crystal?" Mammon said

"Yes sir." Blitzø said

"Where'd you get it?" Mammon asked

"I found it in a present that was left at my door, weren't you the one who left it there?" Blitzø said

"No mate, it wasn't me." Mammon said "But if you're planning on keeping it, I'm only gonna warn you this once. You can go to the living world to do whatever, BUT no more killing humans, if you're caught doing that again you'll be in deeper shit."

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