Can You Feel the Love Tonight~ Or Pain? Cringe? Part 5

Start from the beginning

"You look horrid Bat."

"Same with your bags under your eyes but hey I still dig it." Josh flirts and winks to let loose his charm. A bit surprised to run into him on the streets. Darn it must be his day off and I can't go to the café to get his coffee. " You up early."

No, reaction or effect of sorts. Besides this bored look. "I'm talking about your eyeliner."

"I'm in a rush. Got an interview to get too in Lust and can't be that bad." He was a bit nervous as he needed this job. Sure, was lucky with a clothes store here and there in Pride. But this could do well for him! Sure, maybe last night he shouldn't have gone drinking, a sleaze ball he tries to hook up took his money and only able to escape from not paying his drink was when a fight began to get bad. He was such a busy day in la la land they didn't notice the phone. Well, it was below them with the height difference. Until he looked down his eye went budged.

He looks like a wreck. Lack of the usual care he would put in his image. Hell, he didn't even realize the outfit choice he picked! His hair is a mess. Didn't even brush his teeth!

"Shit!" He started to panic now. Okay. He could make it back to the apartment in time. But fuck that be losing so much time!

He was going to miss this interview for sure!

"Come on let's get this clean up before you cry."


Josh sat down on the floor with wide eyes at what was going on. Well, really to be at the imp apartment that was very close. If he wasn't so stunned by this generosity. Would have looked at this place better. His hair is cleaned up a bit now. Face cleans up too. Able to brush his teeth and get some breath mints in.

"Sheer or fishnet?"

"Um the sheer one." Josh was still stunned as he sat there. "Why do you have clothes that are way to big?"

"Work." Not explaining it any further. Toss him the shit through and walk on back down a hallway. "Start changing. I should have a coat and work on the make-up."

Josh was soon wearing a semi-sheer wrap shirt. Would have kept it out but Moxxie told them to tuck it in with the pair of pants they were wearing. Gabe them a belt with a bit of color. Not his usual choice of style but he can dig it. Plus looks great with the tips he made. Then he soon got his make-up done.

"I'm not putting too much. Don't need to look desperate."

"But I am desperate." One thing he did pick up, even before, was how their hands did not touch his face. Or anything. No physical contact of any sorts. Even at the café.

"Let them be desperate for you to be hired." Light shadow around the eyes. Lift the mirror up for him to see. "Will this do?"

"I look killer." Didn't expect to like the colors either. Heard them make a comment that it belongs to their parents and just let them keep it. "I owe you one."

"Stop winking at me at work." Roll their eyes and start to clean up

"That I don't think I can. I'll return this. "See them wave it off.

"Keep it." Then he hands him a bottle, along with a snack. "Here. Your stomach wouldn't stop grumbling. It won't stain your teeth. No, breathes. Calm your nerves."

Stare for a very long time at them even after he was handed the stuff. "Your one odd Imp."

"You're going to be late Bat." Finger point at the door. "Move it. Call a taxi for you and no you don't need to tip."

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