Powerless (Bathena)

Start from the beginning

The captain makes a run for it but doesn't get as far as he is grabbed by his leg, ultimately faceplanting the floor. He gets dragged back, and Bobby twists and turns to face his attacker.

He hears metal being grabbed, and a metal type bar hits him square in the chest. He falls back to the wall, trying to catch his breath when it strucks him again, round about the same place.

A cry emerges from Bobby's mouth as he feels white hot pain erupts from his torso. The person lunges at him and scratches at his face, succeeding at the first swipe. The attackers' nails are sharp, and they are relentless at his face.

Bobby pushes his fist at where he thinks where the person's face is and lands the punch. The trespasser flies back a little but comes back to kick the captain hard in the side.

"Ah!" The figure repeatedly kicks, not stopping, and the pain is overwhelming.

The person manages to straddle him and punches anywhere he can. Eventually, the metal bar is back in the attackers hands and is not letting up with the strikes.

The pain clouds Bobby's mind as it overwhelms his senses. He lies there, taking every punch, kicking, and hitting the figure and the metal bar give. He registers sirens getting closer.

Every moan and cry is heard over the radio. Athena is racing her way down the street, red tinging her vision, at hearing her husband making such noises. Her heart breaks at the helpless cries, and she will always remember them.

She hears the flesh on flesh as they make contact. She hears the weapon crash down on her husbands body, and she hears the sound of splattering blood and cracking of bones. That's her other half.

She jumps out the car as soon as she gets there and sees the rest of the 118 outside. They look desperate and pale, all of them hearing their captain being beaten so cruelly. She doesn't even bother to update dispatch that she's on scene.

"Third floor, I'm not sure where, though." Buck shouts.

Athena pulls out her gun and rushes into the building, her flashlight desperately searching for her lover.

She hears the noises from the radio and echoes in the building, getting louder. The pattering of blood becomes clearer, and Athena fears what state she's going to find her husband in.

She gets to the walkway, spotting blood on the garage doors already, there being more as she storms along.

She shines her torch on the scene ahead, and before she can even think, she shoots the person beating down on Bobby. The man falls to the floor, not moving.

"Suspect is shot. Need medical, Captain Nash is down!" She says, kneeling down and taking Bobby's hand.

"I've got you, Bobby. I'm here." She whispers into his ear, her other hand checking his pulse. It was steady and there, and she sighed in relief.

The injured man groaned from his place on the floor, his face all bloodied. She hears scuttling, and she sees the 118 rushing to them.

Chimney and Hen kneel down and start on Bobby, whilst the rest of them watch in utter shock.

"He's got multiple broken ribs, maybe a collapsed lung." Says chim inspecting Bobby's chest after taking off his turnout  coat.

"Pupils are reactive. However, he has a broken jaw and a lot of swelling, so it could be a fracture and many lacerations to the face. Hairline fracture, it needs stitches. Black eye and broken nose." Lists off Hen, inspecting Bobby's face. She puts a neck brace on him to stabilise his neck but is careful of his jaw.

Bobby groans as he tries to move, but his face is in agony. He tries to open his eyes, but they only open halfway due to swelling to look at his wife.

"'Thena." He tries to talk. She shushes him and reassures him that everything is going to be okay.

"He's okay for transport now, Buck. I need the backboard, please." Demands Chim. He has a solemn look on his face.

Buck and Eddie pass over the board, and Chim and Hen get Bobby situated on it. He cries out as he is moved, but it's muffled because of the broken jaw.

The team each grabbed a side of the board, and together, they lift their injured teammate to the exit. They're extremely careful all the way down, as not to jostle him and cause any further pain to the poor man. They get him onto the awaiting gurney outside and load him safely into the ambulance.

From there, Chim jumps into the drivers' seat, and Hen gets into the back with Athena. They race off as soon as they can.

The rest of the 118 head back to the station for the night, not before waiting for coroners to arrive on the scene.

As soon as Bobby arrives at the hospital, he is taken by the staff and rushes into the ICU where he stayed the next few days. However, he soon recovered and is back with his big, happy family.

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