im apparently not stable..?

6 0 2

who reported my acc. to wattpad and told them im suicidal? twice?

they sent me this.

"Hi there,A concerned community member has contacted us about your post. We are concerned about your safety and would like to provide you with helpful resources if you are having difficulties. Have you spoken with friends, family or other trusted companions about what you are experiencing? 

During difficult times, it can be helpful to talk to someone mature and trustworthy, as they may be able to provide the emotional support you need. 

 We also recommend reaching out to a free helpline to speak to a crisis worker in your location for additional support: To learn more about taking care of yourself when it comes to internet usage, take a look at the Wattpad Safety Portal here: It is our sincerest hope that you would be able to get through the difficulties with support from others. Best wishes.


The Wattpad team 

This inbox is not monitored. Please do not respond to this message."


my mental health is better now, tho. anyone who needs help w/ that or just needs to vent can dm me, btw <3

ily aggressively <333

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