16. {the phantom}

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

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─── ∙ ~εïз~ ∙ ───

"here for your fifty dollars?" marella asked the boy through the window. "i can just grab it from my purse if you give me

"marella, we need your help—i need your help." pope explained, his face full of desperation. behind him was jj's motorcycle with two tanks of what she assumed was petrol.

"even if i wanted to, which i don't, i'm kind of on lockdown." marella told him. "i've been watching the news, i know what's happening with john b. i wanted to go out and look for him but ward has my mom under strict orders."

"look, all of that doesn't matter right now." pope shook his head, "just open the window and come with me. please?"

"come with you?" marella questioned. "pope, i don't trust you. i don't trust any of you. not anymore."

"and i am sorry, i am so sorry. i will explain, i promise." pope sighed. "but we don't have time for this— john b doesn't have time for this."

"i'm sorry but you can't just disregard my feelings just because john b's on the run." marella frowned, opening the window a little bit more. "i'll come with you but don't try to guilt me into assisting you."

"i'm sorry." pope sighed.

"i know you are." marella said. "hold on." she moved over to her desk, scribbling a quick note for her siblings and placing it on the bed. then she clambered out of the window and followed pope to the motorcycle.

it was awkward. and it was never, ever, awkward between them. marella climbed into the bike, behind him. she wasn't sure where to put her hands. it wasn't like marella was afraid of physical touch, it was even her love language. she just didn't know where she stood with pope, or any of them.

"hold on, marie." he instructed.

she snaked her arms around his body. "where are we headed?" marella asked, her voice raised over the sound of the engine revving.

"the boatyard." pope told him. "jj's getting his dad's phantom for john b and sarah to escape the island."

"they're leaving?" marella questioned. "why didn't you say that before? i-i would've gotten them some supplies from the hotel, or food or—" the girl paused and frowned, "i haven't seen sarah for two days. is she okay?"

"we went to tannyhill last night." pope told her. "kie saw her. ward had her locked up in her room but i think she's alright."

"okay." marella sighed in relief.

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