Chapter 1 - Joel Weber

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Monday Morning. . .7:46 A.M

I was asleep... Or at least I was until the annoying sound of my alarm clock. That thing has always been annoying whether or not it was reminding me about how I'm gonna be made the school joke and victim during the day. Again...
Anyway, I sit up with a yawn and turned my alarm clock off to cut off the 'BEEP BEEP BEEP!' noise, I sigh quietly and get up beginning to get dressed. I put on some navy blue jeans, white T-shirt, and then slip my shoes on. I nearly go downstairs till I realize I forgot to put my hair up so I quickly grab a hair tie from my nightstand and start to put my hair up as I begin heading downstairs.
"Morning Joel," I hear my sister greet me with a smile, yet I can tell she's hiding her dread of having to watch me suffer at school again.
"Morning," I reply as I finish putting my hair up. I looked over to my Mom,she's making scrambled eggs and bacon. My favorite.

I know she does just this to try and cheer me up for the start of a new week, yet I can't help but appreciate it either way. Even if it's out of pity.


Me and Shosh finish eating breakfast and grab our bags, making sure to get our lunches too so we don't forget 'em. We walk out the front door and get about a quarter of the way down the sidewalk until Shosh speaks up..

"So... how're you feeling about today?" She asks sheepishly, already aware that my answer won't be what she hopes for nor positive. I honestly feel a bit bad there but at the same time it annoys me, yes I know she cares and wants the best for me - so I feel bad at times when all I can really tell her is the truth because she'll know easily if I'm telling her otherwise but at the same time - I don't want to always hear things that are nearly the same every time,I don't want the constant reassurance,because as nice as that is- it's not like it's going to stop the bullying.

I sigh softly and try to make it quiet, but I bet Shosh could hear it.

"Honestly- not the best, as per usual.." I say with a slightly gloomy tone,of which I try to mask but it's difficult due to just how miserable I feel. Always having to deal with Alpha Rat, Beta Rat, and Gamma Rat every day at school...

"Yeah.. I hope when those jerks get what's coming to them,it comes hard and when they least expect it.. just like they deserve." She remarks bitterly, making her already apparent hatred for those three idiots even more apparent but to be fair I can't blame her- I'm no different. But here's the other thing,we have all the right to hate those guys. Trust me.

"Yeah me too,but don't be greedy since it might be forever until that happens.." I reply in a gloomy manner,since whether I like it or not it might be a while until Alpha Rat and his goons finally get what's coming to them. Actually I hope it comes to everybody since Chase,Aaron,and Bear started treating me like their pawn- so did everyone else. Making quiet jokes,laughing in the background,posting videos on the internet,and only a few people actually feel bad. Those few people are my twin sister Shosh, my best friend Brendan, Mauricia Dunbar who's another friend of mine,not close or anything- but she's nice,and Hugo.

Eventually after a few more minutes of silent walking we both reach the front of the school and we see Brendan at the front who was seemingly waiting for us,he sees us and waves- beginning to approach up too at a fast pace. He probably has some stupid video idea to tell us again,as crazy as his ideas are- I have to admit that they can be decently funny at times and I'm happy he's open about his passions to an extent.

"Hey guy-" He says before he gets cut off by one of the football players who passes by and sticks a foot out to trip him,which unfortunately succeeds as Brendan wasn't quick enough to notice it and falls face first to make matters worst.

"Ow.." He mutters as he begins to sit up, Shosh and I begin to approach to make sure he's alright.

"Are you okay?" Shosh asks as she shoots a quick glare at the football players who are walking away while snickering.

"Yeah.. you alright?" I say,wanting to make sure he's alright as well.

"I think so-" Brendan begins saying before Shosh cuts him off by noticing that his nose is bleeding from the fall,probably because he fell face first.

"Oh god your nose is bleeding!- Come on Brendan, let's get you to the nurses office..." She says as her and I help him up and all three of us begin heading to the nurses office.  We stay quiet as we head there,eventually arriving and having the nurse clean up Brendan's bloody nose as me and Shosh stay outside of the office and wait for him. As we stand there,one minute passes by, then another,and then a few more... till we eventually hear the sound of the nurse's office door opening and see Brendan walking out as we turn our heads around to face him,his nose isn't bleeding anymore so that's good.

"Feeling better?" I decide to ask him,I know that this'll be a downside for him as I can already see a small bruise forming on his nose from the fall.
He nods in response then says:
"Yeah,thanks for walking me down here you guys.."

"No problem," Shosh and I say in unison before moving the topic onto something else.

"Well,we probably should get to class now." I mumbled quietly,since it was just 15 minutes till the first class started. The two nod in agreement,we start walking down the hall- the only thing that sucks is that we only have one class where we're all together and that class which is Math- takes place later in the afternoon.

Brendan goes to his first class,Science, Shosh goes with him too but gives me one final glance before I head off to my class too.

"Good luck..." She mutters under her breath as she walks off with Brendan,heading towards the Science classroom.

"Thanks..." I reply quietly,hoping she heard because you know what?

  I'll probably need that luck for later.


Now was the time for the class I hated most.. Spanish not because I dislike the subject or anything but because it's the class I have with Gamma Rat and Beta Rat... (a.k.a Aaron and Bear.)

As I tried to work on the Spanish work in my note book as I took glances at my Spanish textbook for reference of what questions I was answering,I heard Aaron and Bear whispering to each other and snickering quietly as they sat side by side in front of me.

I could tell it was probably something about me as they glanced at  me whenever they snickered the loudest and their grins were the biggest,I tried my best to ignore them and focus on my work until I felt something hit my head. I look up and see a crumpled up paper ball,I sigh and take it in my hands and unravel it,it reads: "Hey Loser!" I sigh and crumple the paper back up and aim to the trash can but I miss so I get up throw it out,but as I bend down to pick it back up I feel another crumpled up ball hit the back of my head. I groan in frustration and unravel that piece of paper,it's from the Spanish textbook! And over the page is written in thick black ink: "Why don't you throw this one out for us too nerd?" my eyes narrow in frustration and I'll admit- some hurt as I throw both pieces of paper then walk back to my desk sitting down.
But as time goes on,they keep throwing crumbled paper balls at me or to the floor and I keep picking them up. During that I can hear snickers from not just them but the whole class.

Eventually the bell rings,signaling the end of class. I sit up quickly and tuck in my chair and head out into the hall quickly as well hoping not to run into Aaron and Bear but as always I do-
Before I can react I feel a shoulder shoved into my chest sending me sprawling down to the floor.
...Not again...
My back slams against the dark blue lockers of which I landed against when I was shoved,I looked up as I was already shaking with wide and scared eyes.

"Hah! Look at that! He's already scared! He'll be crying to his mommy at the end of the day I bet!"
Gamma Rat (Bear) said as he chuckled loudly, so did Beta Rat (Aaron),at my expense.
Before I can react or say anything prior to that I get a hard kick to the upper part of my stomach, I yelp in pain and clutch my stomach as they just- *laugh* at this.
But then I hear Alpha Rat say..
"Hey Ally! Get over here!"
He yells to someone who I'm assuming is across the hall from him,or somewhere in earshot but my stomach hurts too much for me to care.

After a minute another person comes over,a girl who's his age but just like Beta and Gamma Rat is taller than him,standing at 6'5ft tall. Great. Just what I needed. Another one to deal with.

I look up at her,I guess she's the 'Ally' that Alpha Rat called over.
She grins just like they do,yet her grin seems oddly smaller than theirs and her eyebrows are slightly furrowed... Who cares though,if she even came over in the first place she's probably just like them.

She looks down at me with that grin plastered on her face as she has one hand on her hip as she holds her posture up so her full height is extended,or maybe her posture is just good.


This is Ally.

OOC: SO- Kind of a lazy ending there I guess but I'm happy-ish of how this chapter came out so that's good I guess.^^ Also keep in mind that Ally/Alison is a fanmade character/OC of mine.

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