Part 14: Embrace who you are

Start from the beginning

"No," (Name) yelled as she pulled Danny into a hug and held him tightly. "I won't leave you. Okay. I love you, you dummy!"

Danny's eyes widened but then softened as he had a little smile on his face.

"You know, I really wish you told me this before Doomsday happened," Danny admitted.

"Alright pipsqueak, Fix-it .That's everyone. Now, we've got to blow up this exit," Calhoun said as he and the sibling flew on his cruiser and he pulled out a bomb.

Seeing this, scared Ralph and Danny looked (Name) pleaded. Practically begging her to go with Ralph. But instead she just held his hand, signaling that she was not leaving.

"But what about this game," y/n asked.

"Nothing we can do about it. Without a beacon, there's no way to stop these monsters," Calhoun stated as he readied the bomb.

But Calhoun's words gave Ralph an idea. He stands up and looks at Diet Cola Mountain in the distance. "Beacon?" He looks at the kids. "Stay with Felix and y/n." He ran over and hopped on Calhoun's cursor. "Let me borrow that thing sir."

"Ralph," (Name) called out as the kids ran to siblings.

"Where are you going," Danny asked.

"I got some wrecking to do! I'll meet you at the finish line," Ralph called out as he flew away.

"No! Wait," Felix called out.

"Ralph," y/n called out.

"Pipsqueak, get behind me," Calhoun ordered.

They see Cy-Bugs coming up to them. The siblings grab the kids and pull them behind themselves as they go behind Calhoun as he tries to keep the Cy-Bugs back. While that was happening, Ralph flew to Diet Cola Mountain. He hops off the cruiser and runs to the center of the mentos. He starts to hit the center, causing the mentos to slowly budge down. After a few hits, steam started to split through, showing it's close to falling.

"One more," Ralph told himself.

But before he could do the last hit, something hit him back. He crashed into some of the mentos then to the floor.

"Welcome to the boss level!"

Ralph looked up and was shocked by what he saw. Turbo was now combined with a Cy-Bug and was about 30 feet long and his face repeatedly glitched between King Candy to Turbo, as if a render error, though King Candy was apparently the default face. He had the body structure of a cockroach, a silverfish, and a mayfly, could curl into a ball for protection, like a pill bug or an armadillo. He had a neck that resembled a candy-necklace. His colors consisted of mostly purple, orange, and pink, and the tip of his claws had a darker tone of purple. He also gained six orange striped legs; four large ones, and two smaller ones located on his chest. King Candy's head sported purple markings on his face along with a yellow marking under his crown, his teeth have sharpened, his hair tufts are spikier and his purple eyeshadow has grown darker. King Candy's crown also changed, now having a spiky appearance and seemingly becoming a permanent part of his body. With his transformation, he gained sugar coated, hot pink, wings for flight that can fold in at will.

"Turbo," Ralph said.

"Because of you, Ralph, I'm now the most powerful virus in the arcade! I can take over any game I want. I should thank you but it would be more fun to kill you," Turbo said.

He goes to grab Ralph with his sharp claw but Ralph manages to dodge it and goes to try and to the final hit. But Turbo hits him back. Though Ralph was not giving up. He goes to run to the center and when Turbo goes to block him, he throws the bug over his head. But Turbo simply told him and grand Ralph before he could do the final hit.

"I'm not through with you yet. Up we go," Turbo said as he flew up in the air, taking Ralph with him.

Back on the brigade, the others were able to see this. The kids are scared for Ralph and want to help but the siblings hold them back as Calhoun continues to shoot at the bugs. But unfortunately he ran out of bullets. So in frustration he threw the empty gun and was left with one move left.

"Fall back," Calhoun said as they started to back up to the exit.

But Danny wasn't able to pass through and was separated by the others. Though (Name) stays with him and the two hug each other as the Cy-Bugs come up to them. And Ralph watched how things unfold from the air.

"Danny! (Name)," Ralph yelled.

"Oh, look at that. It's your little friends. Let's watch them die together, shall we," Turbo said as he forced Ralph to watch.

"No," Ralph yelled.

Turbo laughed. "It's game over for the three of you."

"No," Ralph said as he got a serious look on his face. "Just for me!"

He gets out of Turbo's grasp and starts to fall straight into the mountain. The Kids see this and gasp.


"Danny!" "(Name)!"

The siblings tried to grab the kids but they just slip through their grasp. Danny glitch passed the Cy-Bugs, holding (Name) close to him so she'd glitch with him.

Ralph held his fist out, ready to give one final, mega punch, and held his other fist close to his chest.

"I'm Bad, and that's good. I'll never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be... than me," Ralph recited as he took one more look at the candy medal that he was holding close to him.

He makes the final super punch, and all the mentos begin to fall. Ralph holds the medal close to him as he accepts his fate. But instead of meeting with a hot pit of cola, he is met with an impact of a hard surface. He opens his eyes to see Danny driving another Racers kart with (Name) next to him.

"Kids," Ralph said, happy to see them.

"Don't worry, I got it under control," Danny reassured.

"Hang on Ralphie," (Name) said.

Danny glitched through the wall, taking his loved ones with him as the mentos cause a big blast of cola. This acts as a type of beacon, and it catches the Cy-Bugs attention. Before they can kill Calhoun and the siblings or destroy Sugar Rush anymore, they are drawn to the light, causing them to die. Having Cy-Bug programming now, King Candy's eyes turned blue and pixelated as he was affected, while the Turbo persona remained unchanged. The two sides of him fight, but the Cy-Bug wins, and he dies with the rest of the bugs.

Thankfully, the blast of cola lasted long enough to kill all the Cy-Bugs. Ralph and the kids end up crashing into a chocolate pound.

"Chocolate," Ralph said, a bit disgusted before he started to laugh. "It's chocolate! I love chocolate!"

Ralph and the kids began to splash around in the chocolate, having some much deserved fun. Up on the rainbow bridge, the siblings and Calhoun were relieved to see it worked and proud of Ralph.

"You did it, Ralph! Way to go, brother," Felix exclaimed, so happy as y/n laughed.

She then looked at Calhoun, who also had a smile. Seeing him smile makes her smile more and overcome with joy. She jumps up and gives him a little kiss on the cheek. This shocked Calhoun, and he looked down at her. Realizing what she did, her smile fell a bit as her cheek got red. She then yelped as Calhoun suddenly picked her up and stared at her.


As y/n tried to apologize, Calhoun cut her off by pulling her into a kiss. Her eyes widened but relaxed as she put her hands on his cheek as they continued to kiss, and hearts formed around them. Felix saw this and quickly looked away.

"Oh my. I guess you two are doing the smooching-smooching now," Felix said, a bit uncomfortable but happy for his sister. 

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