Part 13: Sugar Rush race

Start from the beginning

The current standings for the racers was King Candy in the lead with (Name) close behind him followed by Taffyta, Candelhead, Ranics and King Candy. Though Danny was swiftly making his way up the ranks, using the speed boost to pass Minty Zaki and able to pass Grumbelina Di Caramello to get in fifth place.

As he caught up to Tafftya and her crew, Ranics saw him catching up to them and warned Tafftya. This gave Tafftya an idea and told Candlehead to use the candles on her kart to light up the cherries on the side of the track. Candlehead does what she was told and ignites the cherries to activate cherry bombs.

Danny tried to get out of the blast range but he was unfortunately caught in, causing jhin to start glitching and the trio laugh at him.

"I told you. You're just an accident waiting to happen," Taffyta taunted as they continued to laugh at him as they arrived at the final jump before the next stage.

Though due to his glitch, Danny glitched to be in front of them but he was driving backwards. This scared all of them as they yelled and all did the jump. Though only Danny made the jump but barely as the trio crashed into a giant red velvet cupcake. Taffyta begins to cry as Candlehead was upset as sixpence the frost ruined her candle while Franios was just trying to process what just happened.

The landing made Danny face the right way as he continued to drive. He was also shocked by what happened but he had to focus on the race.

"All right. Gotta keep it under control. No more glitching," Danny told himself.

Ralph and the siblings were watching on the jumbotron as Danny now in the top three with him, (Name) and King Candy being the only racers still racing.

"Okay kid, let's finish this thing without any more surprises," Ralph said as they anxiously watched.

Though he was suddenly punched in the face, causing him to fall to the ground.

"Ow," Ralph groaned as Calhoun glared at him, just furious.

"Hope you're happy, junkpile. This game is going down and it's all your fault," Calhoun stated.

"Calhoun," y/n said, shocked but happy to see him.

"Oh, look who came back," Felix said as he rolled his eyes.

"Can it- Fix-it," Calhoun snapped as he pointed at the siblings, mainly Felix before turning his glare back at Ralph. "That Cy-Bug you brought with you multiplied."

"No," Ralph said as he stood up. "It dies in the taffy swamp. Believe me, I..."

On cue, benign the crew, a swarm of candy theme Cy-Bugs bursted from the ground, causing the crowd to be scared and run away in panic.

"Bullroar," Calhoun growled.

He took out his gun and powered it up as he took out his cruiser. He got on the cruiser and started to shoot at the Cy-Bugs as the Sugar Rush citizens ran away in a panic.

"Listen up, people. Head to Game Central Station now," Calhoun ordered. "Move it! Let's go! Let's go!"

Ralph and the Fix-it siblings helped guide the citizens to the exit but Ralph was distracted as he looked at the jumbotron. The final three racers were now at the next stage and since they were at the final stage, the starting line changed into the finish line. Though the shininess of it, caught a few of the Cy-Bug's attention.

Frosty Rally is the third area in the Random Roster Race. It consists of giant ice cream hills and green candy trees that are covered in snow/ice cream. There is also one area where the racers race through a cave-like inside the Ice cream mountains in Frosty Rally. It's a twisty rainbow racetrack that leads to the chocolate mines.

(Name) was trying to pass King Candy but he wasn't letting her. This was frosting her but she swore to herself that she was gonna win this race. But something to surprise both of them was the sound of a kart pacing them.

They see Danny driving past them with a little smirk on his face. Kind Candy was shocked but (Name) was happy to see him. Danny then doesn't let King Candy past him as he is now in first place.

But King Candy then willingly drove out a closed road, making (Name) being in second. She pressed on the gas and got next to Danny.

"How did you..."

"Ralph came back," Danny informed.

"What," (Name) said shocked.

"Yeah. Plus, did you think I would miss the chance to race with you," Danny asked with a smile.

(Name's) cheeks get a tint of pink as she was happy to see Danny.

"Come on, let's finish this race. Last one to the finish line is a rotten egg," Danny said.

"Oh you're so on," (Name) chuckled.

They arrive at the cave and on the twisty rainbow racetrack. There was a drop which was pretty fun before they got back to a straight path on the chocolate mines. Thanks to the down hill, (Name) got to be more ahead of Danny as they got to the mines.

Though to their surprise, King Candy comes out from a secret track and crashes into Danny. This caused Danny's kart to spin backwards and be up against King Candy's kart. Making him be face to face with a furious King Candy.

"Get off my track," King Candy ordered.

"Hey! What, are you crazy," Danny barked, trying to get back on the road.

"Danny," (Name) called out.

"Keep going," Danny called out.

(Name) didn't want to since she wanted to help but it was dangerous since they were going dangerously fast. Not to mention, what was she supposed to do? So she bit her tongue as she kept driving.

"I forbid you to cross that finish line," King Candy said. He used his joystick to keep pressure on the gas as he used his horn to try to whack Danny.

"Knock it off," Danny said as he dodged King Candy's hits.

At the finish line, Ralph was using his fist to smash the Cy-Bugs while the siblings were on the top of the finish line in safety since they couldn't do anything. But they were able to see what was going on in the race and alerted Ralph.

King Candy smashed Danny's windshield and Danny grabbed the horn, trying to get King Candy to stop. But he started to glitch, causing King Candy to glitch with him since they were holding the horn.

"I'm not letting you undo all my hard work," King Candy spat as he glitch.

Though unlike Danny's glitches, King Candy's were red and white. As they continue to tug a war over the horn, siblings jump down as they nor Ralph can take their eyes off the screen.

"Is that," Felix asked.

"It can't be," y/n said, in disbelief.

King Candy glitches to reveal that he wasn't who he said he was. Instead he was the one and only Turbo.

"No way," Ralph said in disbelief.

Seeing King Candy's real identity, sacred Danny, caused him to let go of the horn.

"What the... Who are you," Danny asked.

"I'm Turbo, the greatest racer ever! And I did not reprogram this world to let you, a nosy girl and that halitosis-riddled warthog take it away from me," Turbo exclaimed as he continued to glitch. He then jumped back into his seat, pressing hard on the gas, causing Danny's kart to fall sideways as they came to an intersection. "Turbo-tastic! End of the line glitch."

Danny gasped. "Glitch. That's it." He closed his eyes as he tried to focus. "Come on, Danny. I know you said you wouldn't do it again but you're going to do it one more time." He peaks his eyes open and sees (Name) passing the right side of the intersection. "Just focus and concentrate and glitch!"

He managed to glitch and his kart glitched to the right side of the intersection. Turbo gets annoyed and takes the left side, trying to follow them but he hits the intersection causing him to lose speed. Danny pulls up next to (Name) as he laughs, having escaped.

"Sweet mother of monkey milk! I did it! Did you see that (Name)," Danny exclaimed.

(Name) laughed and was relieved to see Danny safe and happy. "Yeah. I did."

They make it out of the cave and continue to drive as Turbo was facing some trouble back at the cave in the form of a candy Cy-Bug. The original one that came with Ralph.

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