🎶You're no good for me,
But Baby, I want you, I want🎶

I look at the back of the room and notice Sam and Steve together sipping a beer at a table. Sam is holding back from laughing loudly and exaggeratedly while Steve shakes his head and smiles looking straight at me...the two of them have a clear understanding of who this song is referring to

🎶Diet Mountain Dew, baby,
New York City
Never was there ever a girl so pretty
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?🎶

I look towards the crowd again and I see towards the center of the club Bucky holding his girlfriend by the hips, but he is looking at me, he seems upset, very upset... he must have understood too

🎶Diet Mountain Dew, baby,
New York City
Can we hit it now low down and gritty?
Do you think we'll be in love forever?
Do you think we'll be in love?🎶

I look away from Bucky smiling when I see that he tightens his jaw and his gaze becomes dark and hard, but my attention is immediately drawn to a bright light at the back of the room, in a small corner near the entrance...During the rest of my performance, part of me focuses on that mysterious light, anxious to find out if my hopes have come true, anxious to find out if it's him...The other part can't do anything but think about Bucky with that Liz, with his hands on her hips, with their lips meeting, their bodies touching. As soon as the song ends, everyone present begins to applaud, only one person remains with the same cold and apathetic expression, Bucky, who immediately begins to walk away from his girlfriend with an excuse, I make a small and shy bow and greet the crowd by getting down from the small stage, but as soon as I get off I am attacked by people asking me for autographs on photos or in newspapers where I appear as Red Python. All the crowd and the mess of people around me makes me lose sight of that light... I pass the mass of people in the center of the room where the music has already started again and I find myself a few meters from Sam and Steve's table , who point me to a corridor full of people continuing to drink from their large mugs of beer. I run towards that direction and I see that clear light...I finally recognize the man it comes from...Tony is at the end of the corridor leaning against the bar counter. I start to walk quickly into the corridor, the short dress and heels prevent me from being able to run again, but I go quickly towards him, I see that counter full of alcohol and colored lights getting closer and closer, but I am yanked by my right and I find myself in the back of the pub, outside, the iron door slams behind me.

"What the fuck is that buggy head of yours telling you to do?!"

"Bucky!" I scream trying to break away from his tight grip on my wrist "What do you want?! Why are you doing this?!"

"It really annoys you to listen to me, huh?!" He yells at me, leaving my wrist, he's angry, but he's still my best friend...he would never hurt me

"What's wrong with you?! Go back to Liz and have a good evening, I'm busy!"

"Oh don't you understand what's wrong?!" asks angrily as he paces back and forth in front of the door, then stops and continues "Who the fuck was the song for!?"


"Do you want me to draw you a little picture to understand?! Who was the song for!?"

"Calm down Bucky! I just sang a song!"

"Since you don't want to answer me this question, I'll ask another one with the same answer, maybe you'll have the balls to answer this one" he says, approaching me furiously, he seems to no longer know how to control himself. He takes a few deep breaths to calm down and when his anger is no longer so visible he continues "Who is the man who was in your room a few nights ago, who wrote you that letter and who you invited this evening?"

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