Sunday: 10

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You decide against going to the bathroom, and just go in your pants. You continue to build the walls.

30 seconds later, your mom notices.

"Ollie, did you go poo poo?" Your mom asks.
"uhhh..." you reply.
Suddenly, you feel a tug on your pants.
"Yes, you did. Why didn't you try and go potty?" Your mom says
"I.... I..." You respond.
"It's okay, sweetie. Let's get you changed." Your mom says.
You are lifted onto the changing table, and your mom wipes you down.

"Do you want a pull-up, or a diaper" she asks

Change into training pants: go to 14
Change into a diaper: go to 15

Potty training: a Choose Your Own Adventure StoryWhere stories live. Discover now