A Game Begun (Part 2 of 3)

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An explosion of noise and emotions steal my breath as my lips connect with Karsh's. Terror mixes with desire but I refuse to let any of my companions down. Dz, Demeter and Karsh had come to me with this proposal and I had agreed – no, enthusiastically agreed – I wanted this. So I shove the fear aside, ignoring the uncomfortable rhythm of my heart and the blind panic clawing at my mind. Instead I concentrate on the way Dz's hands are now painfully digging into my waist as his chest heaves against my back. I fixate on his fingertips that are marking my naked flesh and the growing hardness pressing into my backside. Dz is here, holding me, keeping me safe. I am safe...
It takes all my effort to shift my consciousness to the way Karsh is hesitantly opening his mouth to deepen the kiss – almost as if he is scared. And then I remember this is all new to him. This lifestyle, this activity, so there was no wonder his kiss was tentative.

With the blindfold covering my eyes, I picture the scene in my mind. The four of us in my living room, teaching an entity far older than even this house, how to... Fuck with friends?!

The absurdity of this notion erases all traces of fear and I suddenly understand some of Karsh's strange behavior. It eases the tension from my muscles and for the first time since his lips met mine, I allow myself to enjoy the sensation of the kiss.

The second I relax, Karsh senses it. Taking that as his cue, he steps closer. His hands – still covered by the gloves he wears – drag mine from his face down to his chest. He holds them above his heart giving me one last chance to back out, but I'm going nowhere. I'm intrigued by this newcomer and I want to see what he has to offer.

Fear, adrenaline and desire battle for dominance in my system until I cannot hide the tremble of my breath. It seems to spur my partner on. As I exhale he wraps his hands around my biceps, holding me still to pin himself against me. Either he doesn't realize, or he doesn't care, but Dz remains glued to my back and I find myself sandwiched between their hard, uncompromising bodies. My hands remain squashed against his chest, allowing me to feel the way his breathing has quickened, however, the thought of him being turned on by this quickly fades as he pulls back.

"Pin her arms." The rough cadence of his voice sends a shiver hurtling down my spine.

"I think he might actually be picking up what we're laying down." Dz laughs, moving to roughly secure my wrists in one of his hands at the dip of my lower spine.

"Dove," Karsh has my attention instantly, "I want to kiss you harder. Color?"

"Green." There's that tremble again, only this time it's present in my voice.

"I want to dig my fingers into your supple flesh and pull your hair. Color?"

For a brief moment I consider if Karsh is able to sense my desires like Dz can because what he's asking for is exactly what I need.


"Hold her still. Do not let her move—" Karsh instructs only to be interrupted by the quiet, authoritative tone of Demeter.

"Link your fingers through hers, Dz. That way she can communicate if it gets too much. Little Doe, tap twice if you need to stop. Understand?"

I want to worship her. I want to drain the blood from my body and replace it with the sensual pleasure her presence elicits.

"I understand, Mistress." The hoarseness of my voice is not lost on any of us.

"Proceed!" There's a smile in Demeter's voice as I hear her settle back against the seat but I don't get to dwell on it for long.

Within a heartbeat, Karsh has me. Purposeful hands snatch my waist and pull me forward. My arms are stretched behind me, as Dz alters his grip, threading his fingers through mine to allow me something to tap against but without moving closer. I know without a doubt that if he tried to raise my arms any higher it would cause pain, and a part of me wants it.

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