Jailbreak (Spy x Family)

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Prompt - Spy x Family; Twilight is up for reassignment and must fake his death as Loid Forger. He tries to support Yor and Anya by taking out life insurance on himself, but this backfires when the police believe Yor killed him for the money.


Loid should have been home hours ago. His family was unfortunately used to the paperwork at the hospital keeping him past his shift, but this was pushing it even by his standards.

Since becoming a unit, they had made a point of not eating until everyone was there, but Anya was beginning to complain, and Yor was worried it was irresponsible not to feed her. They had all missed Loid's cooking, but even a simple dinner was enough for the moment.

She'd just started browsing the kitchen for something within her skill level when there was a knock at the door.

"Papa!" Anya ran to the door, and Yor couldn't help a small smile at how she threw herself against it. She waited a few more seconds before going after her, just in case.

It wasn't Loid on the other side of the door.

"Is your mother home?" the police officer at the door asked, his voice kind.
"I'm here," Yor said, pulling Anya back into her arms.

"Mrs. Forger? I'm afraid there's been an incident," he said, and Yor's heart stuttered. "It's your husband, Loid Forger. You were the one listed as his emergency contact."

Yor's knees went weak. She'd never thought-

"He was found in the alley outside his workplace," the officer said, his words fading into the background as her heart hammered in her ears. "His body's being taken to the morgue."

"Mama," Anya whimpered, clutching her hand, and Yor pulled her closer.

"There was nothing they could do," the officer continued. "His injuries were too severe. I'm so sorry."

The police officer was still talking, but Yor couldn't hear him over the ringing in her ears.

This couldn't be happening. 'Loid? Murdered? This is bad. Of course, losing him is the worst thing I can think of, but there's also... they always suspect the spouse. If they investigate me, they'll find all of the weapons in my room, and they'll never believe I didn't do it. And what about Anya? If anything happens to me, what will happen to her?'

Anya buried her face in Yor's side, tears streaming down her face, and Yor felt something inside her break.

This wasn't how it was supposed to happen. She could see her future crumbling away in front of her.

"Mrs. Forger," the police officer said, drawing her back. "I'm sorry to ask you this, but could you please come down to the station? We need you to identify the body."

"No," Yor choked. "Not in front of Anya."

"I'll have a colleague look after her," he promised. "But I'm afraid we really do need you."

Yor looked down at Anya. Her face was already streaked with tears, and she didn't know if she could bear seeing her husband's body, but she couldn't leave Anya.

"Sorry," she said, and slammed the door in his face.


"It's an awfully tidy sum, don't you think?" the detective said. "A million Berlint dalc? It's unusual to see a policy like that on a healthy thirty-year-old man, not to mention one married within the last year."

Yor nodded, but kept her mouth shut. There was a lot about Loid that she didn't know, and a lot of things he never told her.

"You know what it makes me think? Insurance fraud," the detective continued.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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