Chapter 1

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"Dad! No!" I scream as another beer bottle crashes on my back

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"Dad! No!" I scream as another beer bottle crashes on my back. Loud sobs leave my lips as tears run down my eyes. "You worthless bastard!" The man I call dad kicked me in the face.

Honestly, I don't know why I still call him dad, all he does is beat me. I shakily back away from him "Please......"

"Get out of my sight you bloody fool! I can't stand your stupid ass anymore!" He picks me up by the collar of my shirt and drags me out of the house. I scream and try to get out of his grip but nothing happens. I'm just easily thrown onto the road in front of my house.

The cold breeze flows past me, making me shiver. My whole body is in pain and my vision is slightly blurry. I stand up, my feet wobbly and barely able to support. Taking a step towards the pavement, I fall back on my knees.

I try to stand up again until I hear a loud honk and tires screeching. My eyes widen and my body freezes as I feel a gust of wind. A car comes to an abrupt halt right beside me, almost hitting me. I sit back, shaking in fear.

I hear the car door open and clicks of shoes against the concrete but I'm not able to look up, out of shame.

"What the-" I hear a female voice and see a pair of legs in front of me. Whoever it was kneeled down and my eyes met with beautiful grey orbs, thankfully visible due to the car's headlight.

The woman kept staring at me and I couldn't help but look back at her. "Beautiful..." I mumble, barely audible. The woman shook her head and got up. "Stand up" she said in a firm voice and an urge to obey her rose in me. I feel her carefully grip my arm, trying to avoid the glass shards that had managed to pierce my skin. I wince and get to my feet with her help.

My legs start to shake and I fall over on the woman, who holds me with a warm and tender grip. I am swept off my feet and into the arms of the woman. The first thing I thought about was her strength. I didn't weigh much but I surely can't be picked up so easily, that too wearing high heels and a tight fitting suit.

Her gentle touch was foreign to me. I was never touched by a woman like this, not even my mom. More tears flow down my eyes as I am carefully placed on the back seat. The woman shut the door close and got into the driver's seat. The engine roared to life and the car started moving with a jerk.

I groan in pain and look at the woman. She seemed to understand what happened and slowed down the car. My vision became more blurry. The last thing I remember seeing is her cold grey eyes looking at me through the rare view mirror.

A sigh leaves my lips as I enter the hospital

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A sigh leaves my lips as I enter the hospital. The boy I helped was lying unconscious on the bed. I slip my hands in my pocket and lean on the wall beside him. My eyes scan his soft and beautiful features, almost undressing him visually.

I shake my head and close my eyes. Luckily we made it in time. He lost a lot of blood due to the multiple cuts and tears on his body. The doctors said he's fine and he'll wake up in a while.

I look at him again. I don't have time to sit and wait for a boy to wake up yet here I am, wanting to see him get up, wanting to hear his voice, wanting to stare into his eyes.

I've seen so many men in my life but I've never felt this way for anyone. All those men made me look at them with lust and hunger, but this young guy...he stirred a complete different feeling in me.

I look at him one last time before leaving the room. I pay the hospital bills and exit the building, getting into my car and driving away. I can't just sit there and stare at him. I have better things to do.

I roll my neck as I drive towards one of my bars. I know all I need right now is a nice ass to slap and pretty man to moan and scream. That'll definitely help me get that boy out of my mind.

I park my car in my own parking space behind the bar and walk in from the back door. One bouncer looked at me in the eye and seemed to understand why I was here. In a minute, he was dragging a drunk young man towards me.

I smirk place my hand on the back of the man's neck. The smell of alcohol and the dreamy dazed look in his eyes made me hungrier. It didn't take me long to take the boy to my private room and drive him crazy. Crazy in pain and pleasure.



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