Chapter 6

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"A sea of whiteness and nothing. A nondescript world. Tonight, all of Yokohama's special abilities will become mine. Once again, no one will emerge who's intellect surpasses mine, who will defy my expectations"

"How boring" Dazai says, "I'm used to be bored, as you are."

"How did you overcome it?" Shibusawa asks

Dazai turns around and walks away from the window and faces Shibusawa "It's better to show you than tell you" he pauses for a bit, then he spoke again "See? Case in point: you don't know what my true intentions are. Am I helping you? Am I going to use and betray you?"

"You're the only one who thinks you can't be read"

"It seems you do need salvation" Dazai sits down on a chair

"What do you purpose could save me?" -Shibusawa

"Who knows. An angel, Or a demon?" -Dazai

A new voice comes out from behind them, causing Shibusawa to turn around. "If you ask me, both of your intentions are obvious" the person walks towards them, you can clearly see it's the rat- I mean Fyodor. "You'll never write a good play with such lies. You've lost the audience, too"

"Demon Fyodor-kun" Shibusawa mentions. For me honestly, Fyodor's a rat. Shibusawa continues, "As my collaborator, I'm going to have you dance as well"

"Collaborator?" Dazai says "I think he's the most likely to betray you" 

Fyodor pushes the chair away from the table just enough so he could sit on it, "You're correct, indeed" he confirms. 

"No one has surpassed my expectations thus far" Shibusawa, being the only person standing, actually finally sits down. "I have my hopes up for you."

Fyodor puts his hands together and rests his head upon them "Of course, it's the gifted of this town I feel most sorry for. No matter which of the three of us prevails, they will all perish. 


Kyouka speeds up the car, leaving dust trailing behind. Yes, she's the one driving. 

"What am I going to do if I never get my ability back?" Atsushi mumbles.

Kyouka turns a corner and the back of the car drags out more, but then steadies. "Ah! I-Is it safe to drive so fast in this fog?" 

Kyouka replies with "I have all of Yokohama's roads memorized"

"Kyouka, stop the car" Mori said, and Kyouka stopped the car.

Mori got out and took a breath of the air, his grip on the hilt of his katana tightened, before he closed the car door he said, " I can also sense someone I know that you guys don't have a chance against. I'll look for that person, in the meanwhile, you guys should look for the rest of the agency. I myself will also look for them, I'll fight any gifted's abilities if I spot any abilities on the way." then he raced away.

"Oh who does he think he is?"

Kyouka mumbled something before putting her hands back on the steering wheel. Despite sitting next to her, Atsushi couldn't make out what she said.

"Did you say something Kyouka?"

"Hm. I trust the ex-mafia boss." she turns the car around and drives in that direction. 

I'm planning on making the final battle with Muzan in Yokohama, some tragic stuff, maybe some Fukumori and the fight with the guild a few weeks after the final battle. Not necessarily in that order though, just some ideas I had.

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