The right one - charlos

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Carlos and Charles spent their time training together, perfecting their techniques and supporting each other on and off the paddock. Their friendship was so strong that it seemed indestructible.

But over time, deeper feelings began to arise between them. One day, during Charles's home Grand Prix, they signed a magnificent 1-2 which was just the beginning of many other.

Their bond in the paddock was remarkable, and they realized that there was something more than friendship between them. However, they were afraid of risking their friendship by confessing their feelings, and they where scared of people judgment.

As the championship progressed, Charles and Carlos grew closer and closer. Their performance was in sync, and they seemed to read each other's thoughts on the circuit. Spectators were amazed by their performance and their special connection. For the first time since a long time Ferrari was on top and was dominating the championship.

Finally, the day of the last grand prix arrived. Charles and Carlos were ready to give everything to win the championship. But before the start of the race, Carlos took his courage in both hands and decided to reveal himself. He confessed his feelings to Charles, telling him how much he meant to him.

Charles, surprised but happy, admitted to him that he had felt the same way for a long time. They then decided to take the risk and let their feelings guide them.

The race began and Charles and Carlos were riding like they had never done before. Their love and complicity were reflected in every turn and overtake on the circuit, because yes they was leading the race far ahead of the others.

Ultimately, Carlos won the championship his first one, celebrating his victory with a beaming smile accompanied by the one he can now call his boyfriend.

One year later

Charles perspective

The race was intense, with daring overtaking and tight turns. Charles was battling against the best drivers in the competition, but he was not discouraged. It tapped into his determination and will to succeed.
Finally, the checkered flag was waved, announcing the end of the race. He had succeeded! He heard his engineer on the radio say this sentence that he had dreamed of so much: Charles Leclerc you are world champion, he had won his first championship title with Ferrari.

Tears streamed down his face as he lifted the trophy in honor of his father, his godfather and his boyfriend Carlos with whom he shares this podium.

This victory was much more than just a triumph for Charles. It was a way to pay tribute to all those people who always supported him. And it was for Jules for finalising his legacy.

Carlos perspective

I always believed in him, even in the most difficult times. Charles went through so much, but he never gave up. His determination and love for racing have always pushed him to move forward.

Seeing Charles on the podium, proudly holding his trophy, was an indescribable moment. I know his father and his godfather are proud of him.

I knew I made the right choice

3rd person

As they received their trophy on the podium, Carlos seized the opportunity and proposed to Charles in front of a delirious crowd being sure more than ever that Charles was the perfect guy for him. It was a magical and unforgettable moment for the two lovers. Since that day, Carlos and Charles have never let down, not only on the paddock, but also in life, building a strong and fulfilling relationship. They became an example of passion, friendship and love to everyone around them.

Well it's over for this one, a little more happy than the previous, hope you like it💕

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