Poppy decided that the country trolls needed some "cheering" up so she was gonna have them sing a mad medley with some of the most popular songs in pop troll history. Branch was a little skeptical about the whole idea but as usual, Poppy didn't listen. Then Poppy, Biggie, and Branch started singing the mad medley; well Poppy and Biggie were full-on singing but Branch just nervously went along with it. Most of the country trolls were horrified and some were speechless. Even Delta looked so annoyed by how Poppy was just assuming that her people needed to know what music was supposed to be.

However, Delta's eyes fell on a very nervous Branch; she could tell that he wasn't into the idea of the mad medley. When Poppy, Biggie, and Branch finished, almost every country trolls shut themselves up in their homes. Delta had Growly Pete take Biggie and Poppy to their jail cell but Delta told Growly Pete to spare Branch. Poppy and Biggie were shoved into the jail cell then the door was slammed shut. "Now, I want you two to sit in here and think about what you've just done. That was a crime against music," she said to them.

"Wait, no. We're here to warn you about Barb, the Queen of Rock." Poppy explained.

"Ugh, sweetie, I already know and have heard about this Queen Barb and her fancy World Tour. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go wash what you call music out of my ears." Delta said then turned around and walked away.

Poppy looked offended then she peeked out the jail bars to see Branch being led away by Delta. Delta told Growly Pete to keep an eye on Poppy and her friend. She took Branch into her home and she even offered him a drink. Branch looked at her confused, "I don't understand. You didn't lock me up with my friends?" Branch asked.

"I could tell that you didn't like what your friend had you do. You might have been singing along but your body language was telling me otherwise. Beside sugar, you are too adorable to be mad at." Delta answered.

Branch's cheeks flushed a little hearing Delta call him adorable. Delta's niece, Clamper poked out of her big hair and looked at Branch. "Why is this one so darker than the other ones?" she asked.

Branch looked away, feeling a little ashamed. He was still getting used to being happy but with his colors still a little grey, it made him feel a little insecure. Delta scolded her niece who retreated into the hair. Delta apologized to Branch about her niece and told him that there was nothing wrong with his colors. Branch just kept his eyes glued to the floor, thinking that he would be judged on his colors just like he was in Pop Village. Delta's motherly instances kicked in seeing Branch look like he was about to cry. "You mind if I hug you darling? You look like you need one." Delta asked.

Branch didn't say a word but he did nod his head yes. Delta slowly wrapped her arms around Branch and hugged him. Normally Branch would squirm if he was forced into a hug but when Delta hugged him, it was different. It wasn't as bone-crushing or forceful as the ones he gets from Poppy and her friends. It was more of a gentle hug that someone would receive from a parent. Plus he liked how Delta asked for permission to hug him instead of going ahead and doing it like Poppy does. Delta released Branch from the hug and told him that she thought his colors were beautiful just as they are.

Branch was surprised that someone thought he was fine just as he is. "You don't have to pity me because I'm grey," Branch muttered

Delta was shocked hearing that, "Young man, I am not pitying you because you're grey. Hon, some of us country trolls have dull colors and that doesn't mean that they are less important. Why would you think that?"

"I've been grey for over twenty years. No one in Pop Village wanted me because to them, being grey is a curse. They think that always being happy is more important than being grey and ugly. A lot of them would always tell me to be happy, sing and dance more, or hug during Hug Time. But I don't like singing and dancing all the time, I like quiet and being left alone. So I started to take care of myself after no other troll family wanted me." Branch explained.

Delta looked heartbroken hearing Branch saying that. She heard that a troll can lose their colors from a traumatic experience; from everything Branch shared with her, she could tell that something must have happened to him. Delta wanted to go all the way to Pop Village and teach them a thing or two about bullying this sweet little troll. It did explain why her motherly instances were bubbling when she first saw Branch. Delta could tell that Branch wasn't really healthy-looking. She saw how skinny Branch looked during that mad medley; he looked like he hadn't eaten in days.

Delta noticed the bags under his eyes as well, knowing that the young troll didn't sleep well. "Um, how did you know about Queen Barb?" Branch asked.

"Oh, a friend sent a letter, warning us about Barb. He's a real sweetheart. He comes by Lonesome Flats for a visit. He's quite a favorite around here, always helping out and sharing some of his songs. He's a pop troll like ya'll. Maybe you know him?" Delta stated.

"I'm not sure. Most of us weren't aware that there were other kinds of trolls until recently." Branch answered.

"Huh? I guess Floyd is the only Pop Troll that knows about us." Delta muttered.

Branch's ears perked up hearing the name of his older brother, Floyd. "Did you say, Floyd?" Branch asked.

"So you do know him," Delta said.

"I do actually. He's someone I thought I would have never seen again."

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