Chapter 2 (Meet up)

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Lightbulb walks towards the hotel and sees suitcase sitting at the door, she walks over to suitcase with a smile. she sits down next to suitcase leaning against the door.

Lightbulb:"hey suitcase, you feeling alright?"

Suitcase:"huh...uh? Ya I..I am, I'm just worried for baseball and mephone, I hope they're alright."

After waiting for a few minutes for knife to arrive they both decided to chat for a while, it was fun

Lightbulb talked about alots of stuff, about her pet crab Baxter, paintbrush, fan,test tube, idiotic island and more

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Lightbulb talked about alots of stuff, about her pet crab Baxter, paintbrush, fan,test tube, idiotic island and more.Suitcase was quite but liked listening she even shared some of her own stuff. After around minutes that felt like hours of talking knife finally arrived.

Knife:"you two of just been talking here?"
He said looking a bit tired

Lightbulb:"yup! We already knocked but nothing, so we just decided to talk while waiting."

Knife:"move, I'll knock"

Suitcase and lightbulb move out of the way and knife knocked. After a minute Oj answered

Oj:"oh, uh hi knife is season 2 over already?"

Knife:"no, that blue phone left us for dead, can we come in?"

Oj:"We?" He looked around and saw lightbulb still talking to suitcase "oh" said  oj "ya sure you guys can come in."

As soon as they went in knife went on the couch exhausted as suitcase and lightbulb just laughed a little. Lightbulb decided to get a cookie as suitcase asked for a room in hotel oj

Oj:"ah well sure! Just come with me to room 12 and you can stay there." He said with a warm smile


She followed oj to her new room but then realized she had to share a room, right...

Suitcase:"so uh who else is in room 12?"

Oj:"oh microphone stays there."

Suitcase:"ok thanks for telling me"

Oj:"no problem, and hey if you need help you can ask."

Suitcase nodded as they continue to walk


Lightbulb was humming a tone as she grabbed a cookie from the fridge, she just sat down and ate it, as she ate her hand hurt a little

Lightbulb:"ow, dang must have been the werid goo-y thing haha."

She laughed off the pain as she just continued to eat



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Y'all this might be considered a filler LOL sorry :')

Knife is catching his ass

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