~beautiful eyes~

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(this takes place the day after  part 1)

Ruin walks into the daycare were solar was at the desk fiddling with the computers. He saw ruin walk in and waived, ruin blushed as they walk towards Solar and sat next to him.

Ruin: Hello Solar, what are you working on?

They asked as they lent close to solar

Solar: Hey Ruin, I was just trying to fix the computer, it's been malfunctioning a lot recently.

Ruin didn't hear much of what solar said, they were too busy looking into his eyes, they are beautiful he thought.

Ruin: your eyes are beautiful, did you know that?~

Solar: oh... Erm, thanks.

Ruins snapped out of his trance

Ruin: oh! Sorry I-

Ruin blushed even more and became flustered

Solar: no no, it's fine. It's not often I get compliments about my looks.

Solar blushed, there was an awkward silence

Solar: hey...umm... This might sound weird, but would you like to go out some time?

Ruin: oh? ... I'd love to!

Solar: really? Ok, how about tonight at the fazcade?

Ruin: sounds good, how about a movie?

Solar: sure, I'll be there when my shift finishes.

Ruin: see you then!

Hope y'all like it, sorry I didn't update sooner I kind of have writers block 😅 I will try and update sooner, next chapter will be their date!

~Friday night in the fazcade~Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang