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(A/N: You guys can skip this part if you want. It just speaks about the past tension between Levi and the reader in a way and an incident that led to more holes in their already tattered relationship. Enjoy)

It had been two years since Levi joined the survey corps and he was captain already. But he was still your subordinate. He just started up by recruiting a few members to his squad. It was the first-ever expedition he'd be doing as a captain and with a squad. So... Erwin thought, that maybe you should help him out on his first expedition as a captain, help him with his inexperience and guide him as a captain and also his squad.

Urgh. Erwin always does this.

You couldn't help at his persistent insistence, but give in and agree to move forward with the case. There was a brief meeting with his squad before the expedition started. It was just fine. You mostly rolled your eyes at Levi's stupid strategies, which he noticed but chose to ignore. There would be no point in pointing out anything for him, he'd just start being a jerkface and ask you to bugger off.

There was this one girl, though. Charming, yes, but something seemed so off about her. You later found out that her name was Petra. Petra Ral. The way she looked at Levi. It contained admiration plus infatuation. No no. Not another Levi fangirl. (A/N: No offence but I wrote it that way for the sake of the plot, that's it. I'm a Levi Fangirl myself. Haha)

You had to agree, Levi was quite charming. "Oi." Perhaps masculine. A nice Adam's apple, too, to complement that long slender neck. But it was rare to get to see that, because of the cravat. "Oi." He's small and svelte. And those lips, ah. They look as if they were moulded with soft and damp clay by the god above himself. The only soft feature on his hard demeanor. "OI." And that jawline, it looks so perfect and sharp, as if it could rip through that creamy texture of skin.

"(Y/N)!!" You heard that gruff bark and your head shot up to meet his eyes, your eyes holding not the slightest hint of what the discussion was. 'Oh no, (Y/N), what the hell are you doing? In the name of disapproving that fangirl cadet, you became one yourself. No no no. That was such utter simp behavior. Shit (Y/N), go kill yourself.'

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry but I wandered away along the discussion. Anything?" You asked, trying to regain your composure as soon as possible, unaware of the little blush hovering over your cheeks.

Levi narrowed his eyes in suspicion but didn't comment anything about it, "I was asking, what was the protocol to follow when your squad is disbanded?"

"O-oh, that. It is simple. The captain is given an orange flare and whenever your group is disbanded, look around for a convenient spot and fire it. If the squad members spot it, they'll turn up. But if the wait for any member is prolonging, you must assume the worst and move on." You explained to him, unable to keep the eyes in contact. (A/N: This flare part is all made up, not real from the anime. Don't worry)

He nodded as you explained and continued with his discussion, not making it a point to thank you. You internally sigh and go back into daydreaming, not even peeking at Levi or going into thoughts about him again. Such a simp, (Y/N), you were thinking like such a simp, while you clearly hate this irritating little thorn in your garden.

The discussion was over and you started walking out of the room, turning back when a high-pitched voice squeaked across the hallway. You turned to see that orange-headed kid. Maybe she wasn't a kid, who knows? "Yeah?"

"Colonel. may I ask you something?" She seemed nervous, but it must have been something important that she made it a point to talk to you. You nodded and leaned against the wall, arms crossed against your chest.

"Are you and corporal close?" Your eyes widened at the sudden question that came out of the blue. Your breath hitched and you looked away, your face reddening with fury and also... something weird.

Cabin couple [Levi X Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang