"I need a bit of help with something for James." Mariya smiled and a grin spread over the other girl's face.

"Brilliant, what do you have planned?"

Half an hour later, Mariya found herself standing on the otherwise empty Quidditch pitch, her long black hair floating slightly in the breeze. She held her own broom in one hand and James's in the other, a small case sitting on the ground beneath her feet. The sky was dark but the moon was bright in the sky and Mariya had her wand lit from its place in her waist holster. She could see two blurry figures making their way down the grounds towards where she was standing; James and Sirius. Sirius was only there to assist James as - though Mariya could not see visual proof - she knew that the boy had been blindfolded in an attempt to keep the surprise.

It was all in vain however as, when Sirius stopped and pulled James to a halt a few feet in front of Mariya before turning to leave, the first words out of the boys mouth were enough to make anyone laugh out loud.

"Why on Earth are we on the Quidditch pitch at this time of night, Sirius?" He asked and Mariya couldn't stop the laughter that spilled out of her mouth.

"We can't hide anything from you, James." She smiled, moving forward to pull off the cloth that was covering his eyes.

"Mariya?" He asked as he blinked, adjusting to the light.

"This was meant to be a surprise date." Mariya explained, "But your impeccable knowledge of the placement of the Quidditch pitch has ruined that somewhat."

"Sorry," James rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly, sounding genuinely apologetic.

"Well, I suppose that I might have to forgive you," Mariya clutched her heart as though the mere thought pained her. "After all, this won't be a very good date if I am holding some sort of grudge against you just because you ruined my surprise."

James looked as though he were just going to stand there for a moment like a normal person, but then he launched himself forward and grabbed Mariya around the waist, swinging her over his shoulder and spinning round whilst she held on for dear life.

"Stop it, James!" She yelled, grinning despite her irritated tone of voice. "Put me down."

"I will when you say you forgive me!" James shouted back, not breathless in the slightest despite the ridiculous exercise.

"After this," Mariya paused for dramatic effect before adding the final word. "Never!"

James spluttered for a moment, having clearly thought that he was going to be instantly forgiven.

"Well then I guess I have a nice surprise for you too." With that, he began to stride off the Quidditch pitch and onto the grounds. Though Mariya was still slung over his shoulder and so couldn't really tell where they were going, she could take a good guess.

"Not the Black Lake!" She cried, grasping tightly to James's shoulder, "Anywhere but there."

"Too bad," James shook his head as though disappointed to have to do this to her, "You brought this upon yourself."

"No I didn't." Mariya exclaimed indignantly and James shrugged, jostling her slightly.

"Doesn't matter now." James replying before he lifted Mariya up off his shoulder and threw her as far as he could. Unfortunately for him, Mariya had locked her hand into a twist of his robes to keep her steady whilst she was in the air, and so he found himself dragged forwards only to also land in the freezing water.

Mariya let herself sink under the surface for a moment before pushing up and breaking into the cool evening air. Dragging her hands up and out of the water she was suddenly glad that her lightweight black leggings and long floaty top did not weigh her down now that they were soaked through. Her hair however, was dragging at the back of her head and she did her best to push to wet strands out of her eyes as she treaded water. Looking around, she realised that she couldn't see James anywhere and hadn't even considered asking if he could swim before pulling him in with her. After a few moments of utter silence, she began to worry; no bubbles were rippling the surface and she had no idea if James was alright or even if he was alive.

Too Honest ~ James PotterWhere stories live. Discover now