what flowers they are

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(IM ALIVE!...mostly um im sick! because of my sister so if this is shit im sorry but i thought of this randomly and it did take a while but it was worth it, my opinion flowers are really pretty! but i hate that they attract bees. but i hope u liked this chapter!)(words: 616)(also let me know if i get any flowers wrong! also the meaning is just a mostly short form!)

Name: Purple Carnations
meaning: unpredictable, whimsy
reason: Sometimes jax can be unpredictable with what pranks he comes up with. You can also sometimes find him having a whimsey expression on his face while staring at you. (i wonder what he's thinkinggg)

 (i wonder what he's thinkinggg)

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Name: Blue Aster
meaning: Patience, Elegance, Grace
Reason: Ragatha is known for her patience and her caring nature(my thoughts anyways). She has this calming aura around her along with grace and some elegance despite the things she's been through. You are lucky to be able to be so close to her.

 You are lucky to be able to be so close to her

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Name: Hibiscus
Meaning: Summer, Positivity, Happiness
Reason: Caine is like the body of happiness and positivity. And sometimes it overwhelms you but you wouldnt want it any other way bc surprisingly you probably would've abstracted without him. and its always summer in the circus lol.

 and its always summer in the circus lol

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Name: Convallaria(Lily of the valley) (also vice versa)
Meaning: Sweetness and Purity
reason: Gangle is probably the sweetest girl you know(let me know if gangles pronouns are diff idk if things changed at all). How sweet and shy she is when jax and zooble arent around makes ur heart hurt by how sweet she is. Her Purity is like no one else and you hope that never changes.

 Her Purity is like no one else and you hope that never changes

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Name: Pink Tulips
Meaning: Confidence and Happiness
Reason: Zooble is never afraid to speak their mind and it makes you jealous sometimes.(or not if you're confident as well) and you only see zooble chill around you or somewhat happy but u cant say that with confidence.

(or not if you're confident as well) and you only see zooble chill around you or somewhat happy but u cant say that with confidence

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Name: Blue Hyacinth
Meaning: Joy and Rebirth
reason: Kinger seems to always be joyful around you pairing with paranoia and a bunch of shaking.  Kinger seemed to have reborn to have meeting you, he's out of his tent just a tab bit more but still mostly in his tent reading about insects from the book you got him.

  Kinger seemed to have reborn to have meeting you, he's out of his tent just a tab bit more but still mostly in his tent reading about insects from the book you got him

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Name: Green Rose
Meaning: Rejuvenation(there's more but im only using this one)
Reason: When pomni first entered the circus she was probably closer to abstracting than Kinger was. But within time and with the help of you and Ragatha, she got better. But little did you know...

 But little did you know

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(Holy Moly im finally done.... pomni was definitely the hardest but i gave up and went with green rose but i hope u enjoyed this chapter and i was like falling asleep doing this but i feel more awake now i just need a halls(iykyk and if you dont well its a cough drop y'all try n guess the flavour. It's real basic..)

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