"coyote, level wings... oh, god... he's in G-LOC. hey, coyote? coyote?" "he's gonna burn in !" i said, pushing up my goggles and quickly wiping away a small tear. "i'm going after him." captain announced.

bob and i listened to captain continue to talk to coyote as he went after him, a terrible silence falling over the both of us. at the last moment, i heard him finally say, "i'm good, i'm good." "oh, thank god." i sighed, pulling up to fly beside the two other planes. captain sounded, "that's enough for today." "that was close." bob and i chorused over our microphones. "too close." captain said, when he abruptly began to yell to us, "bird strike ! bird strike !" and suddenly, everything was back to its climax.

as we dodged, bob notified me, "honey, left engine's on fire !" "jesus christ, climbing." i pulled at the clutch, thinking as fast as my mind would allow, "okay, throttling back. shutting off the fuel to the left engine. extinguishing fire." "now right engine is out !" "can never give me good news, can you, bob? it's still spinning. i'm trying to restart it." though i was internally panicking, i surprisingly kept my mind calm to better judge the situation at hand.

"honey, it's on fire, don't start—" "throttling up." i ignored his calls, pushing at the clutch again, but, the plane just pulled up and tipped back over. bob was now officially panicking.

"we're on fire ! we're on fire !" it was like having a crying baby in the backseat during a car accident.

"damn it !" i swore, overwhelmed by the automated voices talking to me. "extinguishing right engine." i told myself.

captain was talking to me, now, too, "bob, honey, punch out ! punch out !" "warning lights everywhere ! hydraulic failure !" bob informed. "alright, punching out." i told. i was freaking out, but i couldn't verbalize it. i wouldn't and couldn't let myself.

but just then, i didn't have control anymore. not just in my mind, but with the stick. "i can't control it !" i screamed.

"we're goin' down, honey ! we're going in ! we're going in !" bob grabbed my hand, and i barely reacted to it, body overwhelmed with the problem at hand. "you can't save this. eject ! honey, eject !" "eject, eject, eject !" i shouted to bob. i pulled at the handle in front of me, and shot up.

before i blacked out, all i saw the firecracker of the plane burst into flames as it hit the grassland floor.


i woke up before my eyes opened, but when i heard a machine beep, i threw my eyes open with a gasp to look around the room.

i was in a hospital room.

i was instantly brought back to the day that olivia had died.

i was in a hospital bed after the mission due to heart complications, and she wasn't. she should have been in that hospital bed. not me. some of the worst nights of my life were in a hospital room.

i haven't stepped foot into a hospital since.

i sat up back in the current day and pulled the nose tube out and over my head first, then my heart rate monitor on my left index finger. and my IVs, one by one, when suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulders and stared at me straight in the eye. "jasmine, jasmine, you have to calm down."

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